The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

And hell consists of lowness of believers,
which is their punishment. If form were not
of shadows, they would have no place to be.
Without the earth, there'd be no place for phantoms
here in the world. So if the body had
no heart, the wavering spirit couldn't find
existence in this form; if in the heart
there were no chambers for his blood, there would
be no place for rebuked Adam to exist.


"Then the high king said to the vacillators,
'Live in this paradise of phantoms, and eat
only from what you have been commanded
to eat from. From this one tree do not eat.'
That means, do not fall into any act
of lechery. He made a covenant
with them: 'I will send Gabriel to you.
He is my holy guidance. And you who follow
my guidance need not live in fear. You won't
be sad.'^150 You'll stay in paradise as phantoms,
but if those formed of shadow become women,
beautiful women, do not touch their bodies.
As it is written, 'Do not come close to this tree,^151
or you will be a party to transgressors.'^152


"Then Gabriel led the inspired spirit to
a place in paradise and saw a figure,
painted in millions of colors, sitting on
a throne, a crown on its head, and two rings
in its ears, girded with a shoulder sword,

  1. Qur'an sura 2.

  2. Or "structure"?

  3. Qur'an sura 2.

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