The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Bogomils A neomanichaean gnostic group in Bulgaria, the Balkans, and especially Con-
stantinople, who flourished between the tenth and fifteenth centuries. See CATHARS.
Boraq Or Buraq, "lightning." The winged horse on which Muhammad rode on his night
journey to Jerusalem and up to heaven, and a heavenly creature in the Mother of Books.
Boundary See LIMIT.
Bridal chamber Referred to as one of five sacraments in the Gospel of Philip and men-
tioned elsewhere in gnostic texts. The ceremony of the bridal chamber typically em-
phasizes the spiritual meaning of heavenly union.
Brimo In the Naassene Sermon there is a saying from the Eleusinian mysteries: "Brimo has
borne a holy child, Brimos." Lady Brimo ("strong one," "terrible one") probably is to be
understood as Kore, or Persephone, who had intercourse with Zeus and gave birth to
Dionysos, "Brimos."
Buddha Indian sage and founder of Buddhism, designated as a prophet within
Manichaeism. Mani is addressed as Buddha Mani in the Great Song to Mani.
Bulls Two famous bulls, Apis and Mnevis, were revered in ancient Egypt. Referred to in On
the Origin of the World.
Cain Son of Adam and Eve in Genesis, sometimes thought to be the son of Eve and the
demiurge in gnostic texts.
Cathars Cathari, from Greek, katharoi, "pure ones." The Cathars were a gnostic group,
largely in southwestern Europe and especially in southwestern France, who flourished
between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries.
Cave The allegory of the cave in Plato's Republic and its teaching about human knowledge
may be referred to in the Secret Book of John. According to the allegory of the cave,
people may be described as being bound in a cave and seeing only shadows of realities,
until they break free and see the true, unseeable sun, the source of light.
Cerinthos Christian teacher who taught in the early second century and who may be re-
ferred to as the recipient of the Secret Book of James (the name needs to be restored in
the text).
Cherubim Angels around the throne or merkavah of god in Ezekiel 1 and elsewhere, in-
cluding gnostic texts. See MERKAVAH.
Colors In gnostic texts, descriptive language is used to depict light and darkness in graphic
terms and accentuate the contrast between them. In the Mother of Books, the glory of
the divine fullness is portrayed with brilliant colors, and the heavenly spheres are char-
acterized by these colors. On the other hand, it is said that this world is drab and color-
less until god the high king empowers it spiritually and makes it come alive with color.
Column of glory Milky Way, a cosmic vehicle to help transport the light on its way back to
the kingdom of light, in Manichaean thought.
Corybant Korybant, ecstatic celebrant sometimes linked to the mysteries of the Great
Mother and Attis. Referred to in the Naassene Sermon.
Cosmogony Account of the creation of the cosmos or universe.
Credentes Cathar hearers or believers, general members of the Cathar religion, who were
not obliged to hold to the strict ascetic rules of the perfect, the leaders. Both credentes
and the perfect (les parfaits, or perfecti) came under the populist title of "the good
men," la bona gen (Provencal), les bonhommes (French), but originally "the good men"
referred solely to the "perfect."

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