The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Adam (continued)
psychical, 415,430-31
radiant, (see Adakas Ziwa)
spiritual, 415
the stranger, (see Geradamas)
Adam Kasya (also Mana), 528,544-46
Adamas (also Adam, Geradamas,) 145,
170,202, 220,484-85,487,491
holy steel-like earth, 424
of light, 576, 603-606
Adonai (evil deity worshiped by Moses),
Adonai Sabaoth, 173
Adonaios (also Sabaoth), 126,147,419,
Adonin, 148
Adonis, 483
Aeschylus, 23
Aesop. See Rabbi Elisha ben Abuya
Ahikar, 33
Ahriman, 138,701,708,780
Ahura Mazda (also, Mazda, Ohrmazd,
Ohrmizd), 595,647,780,787
Aianos (baptist from Koche), 591
Ainios, 194
Akraman 220
Alais (Lady), 762-63
al-Baqir. See Baqir
Albinus (middle platonic philosopher),
al-Biruni, 571
Alexander of Lycopolis, 580
al-Ghazali, 660
Ali, 662-63,667, 669,672-73,676-78,
Allah, 657-59,662,664,665
al-Lat, 657
Allogenes, 204,212,230
al-Manat, 657
Almighty, 776
al-Uzza, 657
Amelios, 215
Amen, 125,

Amenai, 199
Amenemhat, 33
Amenemope, 33
Amethes, 194
Amiorps, 154
Ammar (angel), 667,669,703-705, 710
Ammar (follower of Ali), 667
Amoiaias, 462
Amoias, 455
Anana dNhura, 528
Anaro, 155
Anasses Duses, 445
Andreas. See Andrew
Andrew (also Andreas), 76,87,477,481
Angels and demons who create Adam,
Annas, 93-94
Anosh (also Enosh), 529,545,550,790
Anosh (the Nazorean), 549
Antitheus, 210
Aphredon, 210
Aphrodite (also Venus), 23,129,131,413,
Apis, 434
Apollo, 8,45,167,787
Apuleius of Madaura, 116,161,497
Aquila of Pontos, 22
Ardashir 1,571
Ardavan (father of Karder), 594
Ardban (see Artaban), 529
Ariael, 418
Ariel, 418
Arimanios, 138
Axiom, 199
Arios of Alexandria (Arius),784
Armas, (see Harmas)
Armedon, 194,210
Armoupieel, 147
Artaban III, 529,
Artaban IV, 529
Artaban V, 529
Arundel, Archbishop, 25
Ashqulan (also Sakla, evil demon), 576
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