Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

(WallPaper) #1


abortion: theory in research on, 23, 282; and
social movements, 321; on moral order
map, 343; and terrorism at clinics, 364,
375.See alsoanti-abortion movement
academic disciplines: integrity of defined
in study of religion, 27–8; and
multidisciplinary exchange, 28–9
activism.Seesocial movements
Acuna, Rodolfo, 405–6 ̃
Adas, Michael, 374, 378
African Americans: and family influence
on religious choices, 158; and feminist
theory, 288; and womanist culture, 290–91;
and church involvement in politics, 208–9.
See alsorace
African-American women, 283
agency: and motivations for religious choices,
157; and identity, 211–12; of Latinas, 401–5
Ali, Yousef, 283
Alinsky, Saul: and community organizing, 389
American Sociological Association: and
academic specialization, 4
Amish, 338
Ammerman, Nancy, 12, 69, 273, 413; on
shifting composition of congregations,
Anderson, Benedict: on rituals of modern
nationalism, 42–3
anti-abortion groups, 319.See alsoabortion
antisemitism: and intergroup relations, 244
apartheid: opposition to by religious
organizations, 389
Appleby, Scott, 380
Armstrong, Elizabeth, 107

Asad, Talal: on ritual, 38
assimilation: of Jews, 263, 264; and moral
order, 345–6
atheism: and Soviet Union, 52
Aum Shinrikyo, 375ˆ

Baha’i, 51; as organized religion, 54
Baird, Robert, 104
Baltzell, E. Digby, 305
Baptists, 128
Barrera, Mario, 405–6
Barrett, David, 107
Base Christian Communities, 388, 408
Bass, Dorothy, 144
Bataille, Georges, 364
Bauman, Zygmunt: on identity, 209, 210
Becker, Penny E., 238
Behringer, Wolfgang, 377
Bell, Catherine: on ritual, 43–4
Bellah, Robert, 4–5, 10, 185–6, 271, 398; and
Sheilaism, 57; on individualism in religion,
139–40, 141; and polarization, 333; on civil
religion, 354, 355
Benford, Robert D., 317
Benjamin, Walter, 376
Berger, Helen, 285
Berger, Peter, 71; contributions to sociology of
religion, 66–7; rejection of secularization
paradigm by, 96; and church-sect typology,
125; on religious organizations as
bureaucracies, 127; and privatization of
religion, 143 and identity, 210
Beyer, Peter, 10
Billiet, J., 67

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