Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

(WallPaper) #1

472 Index

Bin Laden, Osama, 376
birth control: use of by Catholics, 403
Bloch, Jon, 285
Bolce, Lewis, 306
born-again Christians, 19; in typology of
religious identity, 146.See also
Boulard, F., 67
Bourdieu, Pierre, 211
Braam, A. W., 192
Brasher, Brenda, 281
Braude, Ann, 278–9
Britain: evolution of sociology of religion in,
Brooks, Clem, 306–7
Brown, Steven, 36
Brunner, Edmund deS., 105
Buddhism, 341, 389; historic differentiation
of, 47, 48, 50; as individualistic, 344;
self-immolation of monks, 369
Bunch, Charlotte, 411
Burkert, Walter, 364

capital punishment: on moral order map,
Carter, Jimmy, 19
Carter, Steven, 355
Casanova, Jose, 70, 72, 329
Catholic Campaign for Human Development,
Catholicism, 10; and challenges to church
doctrines, 6; and evolution of sociology of
religion in France, 67; transnational
movements within, 72; church attendance
rates, 86–8, 113; anomalous vitality of in
sociopolitical conflict model, 117; and
family ideology and church programs, 169,
170, 171, 172, 174–5, 176; and religious
identity, 6, 208
Catholics: and politics, 305, 340; use of birth
control by, 403
Cavendish, James C.: on church attendance,
Chafetz, Janet, 283
Chang, Patricia, 11, 280
change theory: and core and periphery, 338
Chaves, Mark, 11, 280
Chicano Movement: and Latina feminism,
Christian Coalition, 304, 325, 327

Christian crusades: as religious colonization,
Christian Democracy movement, 117
Christian Democratic parties: in Europe,
310–12, 313
Christian right, 319; and politics, 59, 304; and
social movements, 318, 319, 320, 325, 326;
and violence, 375–6; and conservative
political movements, 395
Christian Scientists, 369
Christianity: historic differentiation of, 48
Christiano, Kevin, 226
church attendance: critiques of studies of, 85,
87–90, 92–3; decline in, 90–2; impact of on
health, 195.See alsoProtestants: church
attendance rates; Catholics: church
attendance rates; Jews: synagogue
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day
Saints, 338; violence against, 377
civil religion, 13, 221; in unregulated religious
economy, 102
civil society, 348; defined, 349; as western
concept, 349–53; and civil religion, 353–7;
and mutual dependency of civil religion
and, 357–8; and faith-based organizations,
Civil Rights Movement, 19, 318, 319, 328;
church support for, 208–9, 393; and
women’s movement, 323–4; influence of
on Black Pentecostals, 415
Clark, Mathew, 415
class, 12, 66; as sensitizing concept, 22; in
studies of religion, 24; intersection of with
race and gender, 278, 288
clergy: women as, 280–1, 282
Cohen, R. D.: on impact of religion on health,
194, 199
Cohen, Steven M.: The Jew Within, 264–5
Cohn, Norman, 373, 377
Coleman, S.: on Pentecostalism, 72
Collins, Patricia Hill, 403; and black feminist
thought, 288–9, 292
Collins, Randall, 32, 34; on ritual, 40
colonialism, 13, 371; and anticolonial
violence, 374–5
communalism: and moral project, 335–6, 341
community: as sensitizing concept, 22
Comte, Auguste, 17, 97; and secularization
theory, 111
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