Index 473
conflict: intragroup, 341–2; mainstream versus
peripheral, 342–43; and new religious
pluralism, 343–6.See alsosociopolitical
conflict model; social conflict; violence
Confucianism: historic differentiation of 48–9,
50; as culture rather than religion, 52
congregations: impact of family schema on
structure and programs of, 167, 168–178;
number of immigrant, 227; as different
from immigrants’ home-country religious
organization, 232–33; tensions in
multiethnic, 233–4
Conservative Judaism.SeeJewish identity:
and denominations
conversion: and religious identity, 208–9, 268
Cornwall, Marie: on influence of education on
religious choices, 161
Coser, Rose Laub, 362
Crapanzano, Vincent, 44
Crawford, Sue, 280
Cubbit, Tessa, 406–7
cults: in church-sect typology, 126; and
coercion, 369
culture wars: contrasted with new
voluntarism, 141–2; thesis undercut by
congregational rhetoric and practice, 165,
166–7; religious roots of, 306–7; and social
movements, 322, 327 in civil society,
349–50.See alsopluralism
Cushman, Philip, 142
Czikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 147
Daoism: historic differentiation of, 47, 48
Dashefsky, Arnold, 12, 248
Davidman, Lynn, 12, 98, 281
Davie, Grace, 10
De Maio, Gerald, 306
De Tocqueville, Alexis, 104, 351
Deacon, Terrence: on origin of language, 32–5,
36, 38
death anxiety: decline of in older adulthood,
Demerath, Jay, 13, 297
demography, 11
Denny, Frederick, 228
denominations: and religious socialization,
158–60; and instability of religious
identities, 218–9; impact of on voting
behavior, 300, 302.See alsoJewish identity:
and denominations
depression: impact of religion on, 191–4, 200,
Diaspora: and Jewish identity, 241
D ́ıaz-Stevens, Ana-Maria, 228, 283, 404
Dillon, Michele, 6, 12, 208, 269, 282, 285,
330, 340
Dissanayake, Ellen, 35
Dobbelaere, Karel, 98
Dogmatists: in typology of religious identity,
Dolan, Jay, 105
Durhan, Thomas, 280
Durkheim, Emile, 4, 5, 7, 17, 21, 96, 119, 190,
279; and Elementary Forms of the Religious
Life, 18, 31; and ritual, 32, 34, 35, 40, 364;
contributions to sociology of religion, 62,
64–5; and secularization theory, 111, 202;
and civil society, 350, 353–4, 356
Ebaugh, Helen Rose, 8, 12
Edgell, Penny, 12
education: and Jewish identity, 247, 248, 249.
See alsosocialization: and educational
influences; parochial education
egalitarianism, 13
Eiesland, Nancy, 218, 238
Eisenstadt, S. N., 362, 370–1, 373, 375
Elazar, Daniel J., 243
Ellison, Christopher: and impact of religion
on health, 195–6
Emirbayer, Mustafa: and agency, 212
Engelman, U. Z., 254
Engels, Frederick, 96, 373
Erikson, Erik, 5, 185
ethnic identity, 8, 9, 12, 22: religious
institutions and reproduction of, 230–2;
maintenance of through religion, 400–1;
and Latina challenges to traditional roles,
Etzioni-Halevy, Eva, 359
Europe: evolution of sociology of religion in,
evangelicalism: and theory in research on, 23;
as entrepreneurial, 128–9; individualistic
appeal of, 140–1; and family ideology,
166, 169–71; and social activism
in Latin America, 388.See also
Protestantism: growth of in Latin
Ewick, Patricia: on creating plots, 213