Interacting with others (continued)
over-categorization of social
environment, 250– 251
understanding social life, 248–250
See also Information, strategic; Social
exchange; Social mind; Theory of
Interested parties, model of, 172–173,
174, 189, 191
[368] Intuition(s), 51, 52, 53, 54, 62, 81, 87,
109, 114, 145, 147, 148, 158, 198,
221, 225, 226, 235, 240, 250, 251,
252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 315
and coalitions and groups, 288,
289–290, 291
about corpses, 214, 215, 226. See a/so
Corpses, as counterintuitive
counterintuitive situations, 99, 228
about deception, 186
enrichment of intuitive principles, 162
incompatible, 222, 226, 227, 327
and inferences, 305, 315
intutitive biology, 323
intuitive physics, 97, 98, 99, 100, 130,
159, 323
intuitive psychology, 100, 104, 105,
123, 144, 145–146, 149, 154,
163–164, 179, 218, 220, 221–222,
223, 306, 309, 311, 312, 314, 315,
316, 323. See also Theory of mind
moral, 174, 175–176, 178, 179–180,
187, 189–191, 283, 304, 311, 312,
327, 329
musical, 175
See also Biological features,
counterintuitive; Concepts,
counterintuitive; Expectations,
intuitive; Minds, counterintuitive
Islam, 6, 8, 9, 33, 65, 172, 173, 227, 241,
243, 267–268, 269, 273, 284, 291,
fundamentalist, 295, 296
Itza Maya villagers, 161
James, Wendy, 69
James, William, 307–308, 308–309, 310
Java, 231, 232, 237, 267– 269
Jews/Judaism, 9, 33, 133, 172, 173, 227,
280, 296
Jinn, 8
Jokes, 133
Judgement Day, 1, 302
Kant, Immanuel, 15, 62
Karma, 170
Keesing, Roger, 13, 138, 139, 140, 155,
195, 210, 217, 241
Keil, Frank, 67, 89, 108, 158, 165
Kelly, Michael, 67
Kham Magar people, 232
Kierkegaard, Sören, 20
Kin issues, 182–183, 198, 249, 252
Knowledge, 106, 115, 121, 161, 258,
274, 275, 323. See also Information;
Learning; Science
Kwaio people, 13, 138–140, 145, 147,
148, 155–156, 157, 160, 172, 190,
195, 198, 201, 210, 217, 241, 242,
278, 301, 312–313
Laidlaw, James, 234
Lambek, Michael, 70
Language, 41, 110, 114, 131–132, 226,
286, 305, 324
of rituals, 233
Lawson, Thomas, 258–261
Learning, 41, 110, 111, 181, 188