Religion in India: A Historical Introduction

(WallPaper) #1
Vedas, Puranas – why read them?
It’s like loading an ass with sandalwood!
Unless you catch on and learn how Ram’s name goes,
how will you reach the end of the road?

You slaughter living beings and call it religion:
hey brother, what would irreligion be?
“Great Saint” – that’s how you love to greet each other:
Who then would you call a murderer?

Your mind is blind. You’ve no knowledge of yourselves.
Tell me, brother, how can you teach anyone else?
Wisdom is a thing you sell for worldly gain,
so there goes your human birth – in vain.

You say: “It’s Narad’s command.”
“It’s what Vyas says to do.”
“Go and ask Sukdev, the sage.”
Kabir says: you’d better go and lose yourself in Ram
for without him, brother, you drown.^28

The legacy of Kabı ̄r was several groups (panths) of seekers, most notably
the Kabı ̄rpanth.Na ̄nak, the founder of the Sikh movement, may have been
influenced by his teachings or at least by the spirit represented in Kabı ̄r’s
Su ̄rda ̄s(1483–1563) was a brahman reciting in the Braj-bha ̄sha dialect. A
blind disciple of Vallabha, he was inspired by the Bha ̄gavata Pura ̄n.aand
declared that love of Kr.s.n.a was central to enlightenment. His stories were
often poignant reminders of the true nature of sight – it was seeing within
that was important.

Until you wake up to what you really are
You’ll be like the man who searches the whole jungle
for a jewel that hangs at his throat.
Oil, wick, and fire: until they mingle in a cruse
they scarcely produce any light,
So how can you expect to dissipate the darkness
simply by talking about lamps?
You’re the sort of fool who sees your face
in a mirror, befouled by inky filth,
And proceeds to try to erase the blackness
by cleaning the reflection to a shine.

Developments in the Late Medieval Period 147
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