The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction

(Sean Pound) #1
Bodhicitta, 100, 227
Bodhidharma, 200, 204
Bodhisattva Path, 99-103, 192, 224
Bodhi tree, 14, 30, 50, 80
Bon, 279-280
Borobudur, 109, 143
Brahma, 21, 22, 23
Briihmm;as, 8, 19
Brahmanism, 8, 64, 249
daily habits, 7 4
major events of his life, 79
Buddhacarita, 10, 96
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, 98, 164
Buddhaghosa, 145
Buddha-image, 104, 105, 175, 243
Buddha-lands, 110, 111, 114
Buddha-nature, 182, 187-188, 195, 201,
Buddha's birthday, 79, 214, 215
Buddhavasa, 155, 156
Buddhism After Patriarchy, 308
Buddhist Churches of America, 309
Buddhist Compassion Relief Love and
Mercy Foundation, 217-219
Buddhology, 57-58, 94-95, 300
Burnouf, Eugene, 300
Duti::in, 281, 282

Candrakirti, 89, 284
Canon, 51,52,208,225,231,282
Caste, 47, 139
Cave temples, 80, 81, 168-169, 178, 224
Ch'an, 186, 199-208, 212, 279-280. See
also Son; Zen
Chan~an, 189-190, 193
Cheng Yen, 217-219
Chen-yen, 184,185,224
Chih-i, 186-189, 200, 202, 226
Chi Tun, 180
Ch'oe Che-u, 230
Chogye Order, 228, 231
Christians, 150, 154, 212, 218, 230,
Chu Ching-ehlen, 176
Chu Hsi, 209
Confucianism, 209, 211, 260
Council ofPataliputra, 60
Cultural Revolution, 216

.Qakini, 131, 294
Dalai Lamas, 287-290
Decimal notation, 86-87, 97
Dependent co-arising, 23-30, 39, 191
Dependent co-arising of the dharmadhatu,
191, 192


Designer Buddhism, 58, 310
Destinies, 21, 110-111, 131
Deva, 21,22


Deva-yoga, 119, 126, 277,294-295
Devotionalism, 30, 81, 104, 105, 107,
Dharal]l, 125, 149, 196, 256
Dharma-donation, 43, 277
Dharmaguptakas, 62, 208
Dharmakara, 114
Dharmakaya, 90, 94, 248, 251, 272, 279,
Dharmapala, Anagarika, 139, 151
Dharmaruci sect, 145, 146, 147
Dhyana, 14, 15, 39, 101, 145, 177
Dignaga, 89, 98, 121
Dogen Kigen, 205, 251-253
Drok-rni, 277
Dromti::in, 276
Du~kha, 17,32,37,38,197
Dzogchen, 109,279,283,289

Emptiness, 86-90, 92, 104, 133, 180, 187,
Encounter dialogues, 203. See also
K'ung-an; Koan
Engaged Buddhism, 301-302
Ethics, 9-10, 19, 36, 65,77-79, 90, 101,
119, 129-130, 131, 133, 193, 195,
223, 224, 254-255, 258-259, 283,
Extrapolated Buddhism, 301

Fa-chao, 197
F~th, 35,114,196,255,302
Fa..:tsang, 190-193, 239
Fen-yang Shan-chao, 205
First Council, 51, 52, 54
Five flavors, 187
Forest traditions, 73-74, 162-165, 202
Fo-t'u-teng, 177, 180
Four Great Kings, 22
Four Noble Truths, 32, 35-39, 90, 133,
Fourth Council, 97
Funeral Buddhism, 265

Gampopa, 278
Gandharvas, 21-22, 23
Gayadhara, 277
Gelug school, 284-285, 287-290
Generosity, 101, 158-159, 215
Genshin, 249
Gods of the Thirty-Three, 22
Great Debate, 275, 281
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