The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction

(Sean Pound) #1

Gross, Rita, 308
Gui_lananda, Mohottiwatte, 150
Gyalpo, Kon-chog, 277
Gyatsho, Sonam, 287

Hakuin Ekaku, 260-261
Har~avadhana, 60
Healing Buddha, 115, 116
Hevajra Tantra, 127, 295
Hierarchy, 75
Hinayana, 83, 96-98, 130, 133, 172, 181,
H6nen, 253-254
Hoza, 267, 268
Hsiian-tsang, 134, 135, 168, 181, 183-185
Hsiian-tsung, 184
Hsuen-tsung, 186
Huang Ch'ao Rebellion, 186
Hua-yen, 190-196,224,245,248
Hui Kuang, 182
Hui-yiian, 180
Hung-chih Cheng-chiieh, 210
Hung-jen, 200
Hwaom, 224, 233

Ikkyu Sojun, 258
Image procession, 215
Indra, 22
Inke system, 246, 247
Insei system, 246, 247
Insight Meditation Society, 305

Jatakas, 20, 61
Jayavarman, 143
Jodo-shin-shu, 254, 259, 309
Jodo-shi:i, 253
Journey to the West, The, 184, 211

Kadam school, 278, 280
Kagyii school, 131, 278, 280, 286-287
Kami,241, 242,244,246,265,267,270
Kammaghana tradition, 164, 165, 199,
K'ang Seng-hui, 220
Kani~ka, 86, 97
Kanjur, 282
Kantasilo, Phra Ajaan Sao, 164
Karma, 16, 19,21-23,60,61,120,133,
157-158, 164, 194-195, 215, 219,
237, 301, 303
Karma, ritualization of, 125, 158-160,
Karma Paksi, 286
Karma school, 278, 286
Kasyapa brothers, 44-45


Katyayana, 45
Kaui_l<#nya, 33, 41
Kautalya, 62, 63
Kegon school, 195, 245
KeizanJokin, 252
Khema Theri, 75
Khotan, 86, 167-168, 181
Koan, 251-252,253,257,260-261,301
Kokufu-no-Kagaku, 266
Komparu Zenchiku, 258
Korean Tripitaka, 225, 231
Komfield, Jack, 308
Kosen Soon, 263
~itigarbha Gizo), 168, 223
Kuan-yin, 108,213,218,223,254
Kubera, 22
Kuhn, Thomas, 303
Kukai, 248-249
Kumarajiva, 181
K'ung-an, 203-205,208,211,228
Ku~ai_la dynasty, 86, 97, 167
Kuya, 249

Lak~rninkara, 130-132
Lamp records, 203, 204
Lang Dar-rna, 275
Language, theory of, 24, 84, 86, 89, 128,
209, 210, 227, 251
Lankavatara Sutra, 91, 93, 94, 200
Lantern Festival, 214
Lay practice, 77-79, 130-132, 155-159,
161-162, 214-216
Lingpa, Jigme, 289
Lingpa, Ratna, 282
Literature, Buddhist themes in, 96-97,
206-207, 211, 237-238, 249-250,
Live utterances, 206, 210, 227
Lokak~ema, 17 4
Lokayata, 9
Lokuttaravadins, 57
Lords, 294
Lotus, symbolism of, 81
Lotus Sutra, 85, 90, 105-107, 111-113,

Ma-cig, 276
Madhyamika, 88, 89, 95, 96, 133,
Maha Bodhi Society, 139
Mahakasyapa, 45, 51
Mahaprajapati, 11, 46, 74
Mahasanghikas, 57, 58, 84, 145, 181
Mahasattvas, 101, 105
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