The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction

(Sean Pound) #1
Sukhavati, 114
Sumedho Bhikkhu, 305
Superknowledge, 15, 44
Sutra Mahamudra, 278, 281
Sutra Pi~aka, 52
Sutra Vibhanga, 53, 54
Suzuki, D. T., 263, 303
Suzuki-roshi, Shunryu, 304, 306
Svabhava, 56, 87, 88
Svantantrika school, 89, 284
Syncretism, 117-120, 137, 138-139, 141,

T'aeseong-am, 230
Ta-hui Tsung-kao, 210, 227, 234
T'ai-hsii, 212
T'ai-p'ing Rebellion, 212
Tale of Genji, 249-250
Tale of Kieu, 237-238
T'an-luan, 196
Chinese, 184-185
Indian, 123-134
Japanese, 248-249
Korean, 224
Southeast Asian, 143, 148, 149, 157
Sri Lankan, 145
Tibetan, 271-296 passim
Tao, 173, 180
Tao-an, 180
Tao-ch'o, 197
Tao-hsiian, 208
Taoism, 173-174, 179-180, 182,202,
Tara, 109, 276, 295, 296
Tathagata-garbha, 93-95, 182, 194-195.
See also Buddha-nature
Tend~, 190,243,247,249
Tenjur, 282
Terma, 279
Theosophical Society, 150
Therapeutic teaching, 34, 37, 38, 86, 91,
Theravada, 53, 54, 62, 98, 141, 146-149,
Third Council, 60, 61
Three Basic Ones, 293, 295
Three Sacred Things, 294
Three Tr~nings, 35, 36
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 291
T'ien-t'ai, 186-190, 208, 226, 247
Tokugawa Ieyasu, 259
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 259
Transgressive sacrality, 119, 129-130


Translation of texts, 168, 174, 175, 275,
Trees, cult of, 80
Trhisong Detsen, 273, 274, 281
Tripi~aka, 189
Triple Gem, 5, 42-43, 244, 293, 306-307
Trnngpa, Chogyam, 304-307
Tsunesabaro Makiguchi, 265
Tsung-mi, 190, 193-196, 227, 261
Tiilku, 286
Tun-huang, 168-169, 170, 199, 274, 290
Tz'u-min, 197

Dich' on, 195, 226
Uisang, 224
lJji, 242,264-265,270
lJ Nu, 153, 163
lJnconditioned realm, 24-25, 28-29,
lJnexcelled Yoga Tantras, 127-131, 133
lJnified Buddhist Church of Vietnam,
lJpani~ad, 9, 11, 19
lJppalavawa Then, 75

Vairocana, 115, 128
Vaisravat:J.a, 22, 123
Vajiraiia9-a, 152-153, 160
Vajra, 120, 126, 128
Vajrayana, 120, 122, 123, 130-134
Vasubandhu, 91-93, 97, 98, 121
Vatsiputriyas, 59
Vedas, 8, 64
Vegetarianism, 213, 215, 246
Vibhajyavadins, 60, 62
Vijayabahu I, 146, 147
Vimalakirti-nirdesa Sfitra, 85, 90, 99, 105,
Vinaya, 53, 67-76, 83, 156, 164, 174, 181,
208, 222, 234, 274
Vinaya (Lii) school, 208
Vinaya Pi~aka, 52, 53, 67

Wang Pi, 179
Way of the Warrior, 253, 261, 263, 264
Western influences, Asian Buddhist re-
sponses to, 150-153, 212, 216-217,
Wheel, symbolism of, 33
Wheel of Life, 20-23, 27
White Lotus Rebellion, 211
Wings to Awakening, 48, 55, 126-127,
174, 189
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