Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020) 23.
Jessica smooths Paul’s uniform, trying to ignore his
accusation, but he brushes away her hand.
Why is Doctor Yueh here? *
I’ll give you a moment. *
She steps away a short distance, leaving Paul with Dr. Yueh,
who offers his longtime patient a warm smile.
Hello, young master. Your mother *
asked me to check your vitals. *
He takes Paul’s pulse. Paul speaks in a whisper so Jessica
won’t hear.
What is happening? *
Yueh shakes his head. He doesn’t know. He whispers, inches
from Paul’s ear, as he continues his examination. His
technique is Eastern: he touches centers of power on Paul’s
body that some would call chakras, listening meditatively.
I am only a doctor of the Suk *
School. But I know a little of the *
Bene Gesserit. They say they exist *
to serve -- but, meaning no *
disrespect to your lady mother -- *
they also serve their own designs. *
What are you saying? *
Go carefully. *
(more loudly) *
His heart is strong as ever, my *
Lady. *
Jessica arrives at their side, nodding her appreciation. She
makes elegant SIGN LANGUAGE MOVEMENTS with her left hand
(subtitled): “Tell no one of this.” *
Yueh gives a slight bow and retreats down the corridor. Paul
looks after him in confusion. Jessica reaches out to touch
him one last time. *
Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020) 23.