Absolute Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography

(Ann) #1

  1. You can click on the center of a subject and press down and hold the Alt key,
    then drag the cursor out to create a rectangle around the subject.

Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool
The shortcut keys that are available to the Rectangle Marquee tool are also avail-
able when you need to create ellipses and circles.

  1. Press down and hold the cursor on the Rectangular Marquee tool until the
    fly-out menu appears. Select the Elliptical Marquee tool.

  2. Before you draw a selection, press down and hold the Alt key. Now draw a
    selection. The marquee tool will draw from the center of an ellipse instead of
    the edge (see Figure 10.15).

  3. Press down and hold the Alt and the Shift keys and draw another selection.
    Now the marquee is restricted to a perfect circle. You can click on the center
    of a subject and press down and hold Alt, then drag the cursor out to create
    an ellipse or circle around the subject.

  4. Press Ctrl+D (xD on Mac) to deselect.


FIGURE 10.14
Keeping the
great red spot
in the center by
Alt+Shift with
the Square
Marquee tool.
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