photographs, and to adjust the contrast, color balance, or other characteris-
tics. You can also use art software to create backgrounds or navigation but-
tons that take the viewer from one place to another on the CD.
- Open your images in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements and crop your photo-
graphs (if necessary). - Create navigation buttons in Photoshop (see Figure 19.4) or find free buttons
on the Internet. Visit and enter the search phrase “Web site but-
tons” and visit some sites. Usually the free buttons aren’t as valuable as the
tutorials for making buttons in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Building but-
tons in
Elements for
your custom
- Prepare the text. Text such as titles and captions can be created either in
Photoshop or Macromedia Director, or imported from a word processing pro-
gram such as Microsoft Word. Text can be embedded in pictures using
Photoshop. - Write and lay out the text portion of your CD. This is probably the easiest
part of the assignment, as long as you have something to say. Place the sub-
ject matter, the time the images were taken, and any other story behind the
pictures in your document. - Add video if you have it. You will need to learn how to import video into your
project (see Figure 19.5). Prepare video clips (optional). Videos can be con-
verted to digital QuickTime movies using an editing program like Adobe
Premiere, iMovie, or Microsoft Movie Maker.