Test your knowledge
Exercise 2
Determine the subcategory of the verbs in the following sentences. Justify your choice
with the help of different distributional tests. Finally, give their syntactic structure as
(1) a A face appeared behind the window.
b Susan sang.
c Michael moved my map from the middle.
d The bomb blew up.
e Larry laughed.
f Kevin killed Karen.
g Ben brought a bulldog for Betty.
h Norah knows Nick.
i The boat sank.
j The letter lay on the table.
k The window opened.
l A train arrived at the station.
m Walt watered the flowers.
n Dick died.
o Gary gave Greg a gift.
Exercise 3
Provide the given forms of verbs.
Verb Tense Aspect Person
Voice Form
see past perfect 3Sg passive
saw present progressive 1Pl active
bring future perfect 2Sg passive
come present perfect 3Pl active
think past progressive 2Sg active
sing future perfect 3Sg passive
read present progressive 3Pl passive
write past perfect 3Sg passive
eat future progressive 1Sg active
fall past perfect 3Sg passive
buy present perfect 2Sg active
tell past progressive 3Pl passive
pull future progressive 2Pl active
go past perfect 3Sg active
send future perfect 3Pl passive