Exercise 9
b DP
D^0 NP
e AP N'
one N^0 PP
e P'
P^0 DP
of DP D'
D' D^0 NP
D^0 NP ’s N'
the N' N^0
N^0 books
Exercise 9
Meaning 1:
Jane wanted to try on a pair of jeans which was in the shop window.
Meaning 2:
Jane wanted to try it on in the shop window.
One of the constituency tests which you can chose from is pseudo-clefting. A
pseudo-clefted sentence is like that in (1).
(1) What .... is/was [XP ...].
In (1) the string following the auxiliary is always a phrase. If we apply this test to
the sentence Jane wanted to try on a pair of jeans in the shop window, we get the
following results in meaning 1:
(2) a. *What Jane wanted to try on in the shop window was [a pair of jeans].
b. What Jane wanted to try on was [a pair of jeans in the shop window].
In meaning 1, the sentence in (2a) is ill-formed. This means that the string a pair of
jeans is no phrase. (2b) is a well-formed sentence, thus the string of words a pair of