Exercise 4
c) The sentence David rolled the ball to the wall is similar in its structure to that
in (b), but here we find no overt light verb in the v head position. Actually, the v head
is occupied by an abstract light verb represented by e in the structure below. The
arguments are the same and Case is assigned to them the same way as described
above. The main difference is that the abstract light verb is a bound morpheme, which
requires the main verb to move to the v position. The verb roll then moves on to the
tense vP and I picking up the tense and agreement morphemes.
(3) CP
DP 2 I'
David I vP
roll 1 +ed 3 v'
v vP
t 1 +t 3 t 2 v'
v VP
t 1 DP V'
the ball V PP
t 1 to the wall