Eat, Pray, Love

(Nora) #1

On the drive back to the Ashram, I really let myself dip into a fantasy about just how silent
I am going to become now. I will be so silent that it will make me famous. I imagine myself be-
coming known as That Quiet Girl. I’ll just keep to the Ashram schedule, take my meals in
solitude, meditate for endless hours every day and scrub the temple floors without making a
peep. My only interaction with others will be to smile beatifically at them from within my self-
contained world of stillness and piety. People will talk about me. They’ll ask, “Who is That
Quiet Girl in the Back of the Temple, always scrubbing the floors, down on her knees? She
never speaks. She’s so elusive. She’s so mystical. I can’t even imagine what her voice
sounds like. You never even hear her coming up behind you on the garden path when she’s
out walking... she moves as silently as the breeze. She must be in a constant state of medit-
ative communion with God. She’s the quietest girl I’ve ever seen.”
Eat, Pray, Love

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