Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

its accuracy, I heard it from a reliable source. Ãcariya Mun took
up the conversation with this question: “If my voice really reso-
nates as you say, why don’t human beings hear it as well?”
The leader of the devas replied:
“What would humans know about moral virtue? They
couldn’t care less. They use their six senses to make evil kamma
and create the conditions for hell within themselves all the time.
They do this from the day they are born until the day they die.
They are not nearly as concerned about moral issues as they ought
to be, given their status as human beings. There are very few
indeed who are interested in using their senses in any morally
beneficial way. The amount of moral virtue in their lives is really
quite limited. By way of comparison: in the time that it takes
one human being to die and be reborn, repeatedly ten or even
one hundred times, the average deva has yet to pass away even
once—not to mention the brahma devas who have exceptionally
long lives. The population of humankind is vast, and this in turn
means a vast amount of negligence, for those who are heedful are
few and far between. Mankind is supposed to safeguard the sãsana,
and yet people themselves know precious little about the sãsana or
moral excellence.
“Bad people know only evil. Their sole claim to being human
comes from the fact that they are breathing. As soon as their
breathing stops, they are immediately buried under the weight of
their own wickedness. The devas know about this. Why shouldn’t
they? It’s no secret. When a person dies, monks are invited to
chant auspicious verses of Dhamma for the deceased. Why would
an evil person listen then? From the initial moment of death, his
consciousness is completely bound up by his evil kamma. So what

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