Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

people on earth and beings throughout the celestial realms, they
would uphold the integrity of the sãsana following the tradition of
the Noble Ones, so that it did not decline and disappear.
Walking past him carelessly without respect were the pre-
tentious ones who thought they already knew it all. They con-
sidered their own meditation to be even superior to that of their
teacher, disregarding the fact that he had previously guided them
all in its proper practice. They were not the least bit interested in
showing gratitude for his tutelage in matters of Dhamma because
they already considered themselves to be clever experts in every-
thing. And thus they behaved accordingly, which was ruinous not
only to themselves, but also to the entire sãsana, including all the
people who might come to them for guidance. Their minds poi-
soned by the errors of such monks, these people would in turn
harm themselves and others, including future generations, with-
out discovering whether they were on the right path or not.
The next group consisted of those who waited for the chance
to pass him, signaling the start of a bad attitude that would develop
and have repercussions for the future sãsana. Much like the pre-
vious group, they held a variety of erroneous views, causing harm
to themselves and the religion as a whole. Together, they were a
menace to the sãsana, the spiritual focus of all Buddhists. Because
they failed to rightly consider the consequences of their actions,
the sãsana was in danger of being utterly destroyed.
The monks who pinched Ãcariya Mun’s chest with pieces of
split bamboo considered themselves to be astutely well-informed
and acted accordingly. Despite their wrongful actions, they did
not take right and wrong into consideration in thinking about
their behavior. On top of that, they were bound to cause Buddhist

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