Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

circles and their teacher a great deal of discomfort. Ãcariya Mun
said that he knew exactly who were among this last group of
monks, and that they would cause him trouble before long. He
was saddened that they would do such a thing since they were his
former disciples who had his consent and blessing to spend the
rains retreat nearby. Rather than treating him with all the respect
he deserved, they planned to return and bother him.
A few days later, the provincial governor and a group of gov-
ernment officials came to visit his monastery. The delegation was
accompanied by the very same disciples who had led the assault on
him in his vision. Without revealing his vision to them, he care-
fully observed their actions. Together they requested his support
in soliciting money from the local people in order to build several
schools in the area. They explained that this would help the gov-
ernment. They had all agreed to approach Ãcariya Mun for assist-
ance since he was highly revered by the people. They felt that the
project would surely be a success if he were involved. As soon as he
knew the reason for their visit, Ãcariya Mun immediately under-
stood that these two monks were the principle instigators of this
troublesome business. It was represented in his vision of the assault.
Later, he asked both monks to come to him and instructed them
in appropriate behavior for a practicing Buddhist monk – someone
who’s way of life is rooted in self-restraint and tranquillity.
This story is recounted here to help the reader understand
the mysterious nature of the citta: how it is quite capable of know-
ing things both apparent and hidden, including knowledge of
things past and future, as well as of the present. Ãcariya Mun
exemplified this ability on numerous occasions. He conducted
himself with total detachment. His thoughts never concealed

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