Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

This made the monk, who dared to think so recklessly, tremble
and almost faint on the spot. Although no name was mentioned,
Ãcariya Mun’s disclosure of the content of the offensive thoughts
was enough to send a shock through the guilty one. Other monks
were also alarmed, fearing that in a moment of carelessness they
themselves might fall prey to similar thoughts. When lightning
struck continuously during the course of a Dhamma talk, his audi-
ence succumbed to the pressure and sat very attentively on guard.
Some monks actually entered into a meditative state of complete
tranquillity at that time. Those who did not attain such a state
were still able to stay calm and cautious from fear that lightning
might strike again if their thoughts strayed – or perhaps the hawk
they feared was swooping down to snatch their heads!
For this reason, those monks residing with Ãcariya Mun
gradually developed a solid foundation for centering their hearts.
The longer they remained with him, the more their inner and
outer demeanors harmonized with his. Those who committed to
stay with him for a long time submitted willingly to his vigorous
teaching methods. With patience, they came to understand all
the skillful means he used, whether in the daily routine or during
a discourse on Dhamma. They observed him tirelessly, trying to
thoroughly follow his example as best they could. Their tendency
to desire Dhamma and be serious about all aspects of daily prac-
tice increased their inner fortitude little by little each day, until
they eventually stood on their own.
Those monks who never achieved positive results from living
with him usually paid more attention to external matters than to
internal ones. For instance, they were afraid that Ãcariya Mun
would berate them whenever their thoughts foolishly strayed. When

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