Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1
later recounted the story to his disciples when a good opportunity
arose. The term muttodaya means “a heart released”. Its mention
in the short biographical sketch distributed at Ãcariya Mun’s cre-
mation stems from that occasion in Chiang Mai when Chao Khun
Upãli praised his noble virtues. The name stuck and was then
passed down to future generations by word of mouth. According
to Chao Khun Dhammachedi of Wat Bodhisomphorn monastery
in Udon Thani, Ãcariya Mun remained practicing in Chiang Mai
from 1929 to 1940 when he left for the province of Udon Thani.
More will be written later concerning his stay in Udon Thani.

HAVING LIVED AT Wat Chedi Luang monastery for some time,
Ãcariya Mun paid his respects to Chao Khun Upãli and took
leave to wander in search of solitude in the remote wilderness
areas of the North. Chao Khun Upãli readily gave his permission,
and so Ãcariya Mun departed alone from Chiang Mai, beginning
another journey. He had eagerly awaited the ideal seclusion he
needed for a long time, and the perfect opportunity finally arose.
Having been long involved in teaching others, it was the first
time in many years that he had time alone. Initially, he wandered
through the Mae Rim district in Chiang Dao, staying in the for-
ested mountains there throughout the dry and rainy seasons.
His efforts had reached the crucial, final stage. He exhorted
himself to strive earnestly to reach the final goal, whatever hap-
pened – live or die. Nothing whatsoever would be allowed to
interfere. Out of compassion he had taught his fellow monks to
the best of his ability – of this he had no doubt. The results of his
guidance already began to show in some of his disciples. Now it

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