Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

attitude of self-importance, until everyone – regardless of age, race,
gender, or clan – forgets to observe the proper etiquette expected
of such ‘civilized’ people.
Understanding, based on wisdom, is ready to uproot all
types of speculative views that continually manifest our con-
ceit. Wisdom is prepared to ferret out and expose these errone-
ous views, penetrating every niche until the whole edifice of these
kilesas comes crashing down. There is not one kilesa that can suc-
cessfully withstand the penetration of the highest degree of mind-
fulness and wisdom.
In the Dhamma’s arsenal, mindfulness and wisdom are the
foremost weapons. Never have the kilesas been intrepid enough
to defeat them. The Lord Buddha became the Supreme Teacher
because of mindfulness and wisdom. His disciples became Arahants
because of mindfulness and wisdom. Because of mindfulness and
wisdom, they were able to see with insight into the true nature
of things. They didn’t uproot their kilesas by using learning, sup-
position, or mere guesswork. In the initial stages of practice, con-
cepts recalled from memory can be used to delineate the bound-
aries of the way forward; but, one must exercise great caution lest
this kind of conjecture causes delusion appearing in the guise of
genuine truth.
When the Lord Buddha and his Arahant disciples pro-
claimed the Truth of his teaching to the world, they were pro-
claiming the way of wisdom – the way that brings us to see the
true nature of all phenomena. We practitioners of meditation must
be extremely careful that the master of speculation doesn’t sneak
in and conjure up his tricks in place of wisdom. If we don’t, we
will be led to mistake mere concepts for true understanding, with-

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