Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Essential Standard - 3.CX.2: Understand the interdisciplinary

connections and life applications
of the visual arts.

Clarifying Objectives

3.CX.2.1 Understand how artists fit or function within a society.

3.CX.2.2 Understand how to use information learned in other
disciplines, such as math, science, language arts, social
studies, and other arts in visual arts.

3.CX.2.3 Use appropriate collaborative skills to create a work of

3.CX.2.4 Understand how visual arts has changed and remained
the same, with changes in digital media.

Critical Response

Essential Standard - 3.CR.1: Use critical analysis to generate

responses to a variety of prompts.

3.CR.1.1 Analyze art in terms of the Elements of Art and
Principles of Design.

3.CR.1.2 Evaluate the compositional and expressive qualities of
personal works of art.
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