Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Where might you see a mosaic?

What was/is the purpose of mosaic
work in different cultures, times
periods, and societies?

Which are you more likely to see in a
mosaic, cotton or glass? Why?

Observation during an activity at each
stage in the process

  1. Planning mask

  2. Using beans and seeds to
    create mosaic neatly

  3. Making sure the design has

  4. Individual conferencing

Guided questions

Post Assessment

Performance based checklist to make sure each step is completed correctly

Reflect on essential questions (Teacher documents students who were and who
were not able to answer the essential questions)


Scoring Guides and Answer Keys


Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks

Reproductions showing mosaics of all
types including those of Jan Detter

Read, Explorations in Art, pp. 104-105,
Colorful Mosaics.

Demonstration of mosaic process

Sketches of a mask design

Pre-assessment of vocabulary-
KWL Chart (What do you KNOW?
What Do You WANT to know? What
Did You LEARN?)

Preparatory drawings of masks


Critique and self assessment
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