Draw from observation in
a mirror
Essential Questions Corresponding Big Ideas
Why do all civilizations - past and
present – create portraits?
Why do artists have to study the lines,
shapes of a person’s face to create a
Explain the difference between a
portrait and a self-portrait.
Artists help show us who we are and
what we care about.
Artists look for similarities and
differences in people by comparing and
contrasting shapes.
Portraits have been created for
hundreds of years and are a “category”
of art such as landscapes.
Standardized Assessment Correlations
(State, Province, College, and Career)
Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Informal Progress Monitoring
Students will fill out a KWL Chart (What
do you KNOW? What Do You WANT to
know? What Did You LEARN?), which
will serve as a pre- assessment
indicating what they expect to learn
Review of lines, shapes, colors through
game or Q & A
Sketches of faces
Monitor individuals while working on
Observation during an activity at each
stage in the process
- Drawing
- Adding details
- Coloring/Neatness
Individual conferencing
Guided questions
Post Assessment
Students will fill out a KWL Chart (What do you KNOW? What Do You WANT to
know? What Did You LEARN?), which will serve as a pre-assessment indicating
what they expect to learn.