Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1


Tearing techniques


The work of Picasso
influenced the history of

Cut multiple shapes, and
cutting symmetrical shapes

Neatly glue

Essential Questions Corresponding Big Ideas

What is a symbol?

Explain how visual symbols are used
throughout our environment.

How did Picasso use paper collage to
express himself?

How can we create art that is reflective
of the work of Picasso?

Can you name some other artists that
have used collage making in their art?

Artists use symbols and patterns to tell
stories and to share ideas.

People have been using visual symbols
to share ideas for a very long time.

Artists must know how to analyze their
art in terms of the Elements of Art and
Principles of Design.

Artists must know how to
evaluate the compositional and
expressive qualities of personal works
of art.

Standardized Assessment Correlations
(State, Province, College, and Career)


Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Informal Progress Monitoring

KWL Chart (What do you KNOW?
What Do You WANT to know? What
Did You LEARN?)

Demonstrate collage techniques

Monitor individuals while working on

Observation during an activity at each
stage in process

  1. Cutting, tearing and arranging

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