Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

What Do You WANT to know? What
Did You LEARN?)

Post Assessment

Students’ work
Oral Critique

Teacher Assessment of student work. Address these three questions...

  1. Did the student understand the concept of abstract vs. realistic styles?

  2. Did the student understand the process of setting up and painting a still life in
    their chosen style?

  3. Did the student successfully complete a still life painting?

Students will fill out a KWL Chart (What do you KNOW? What Do You WANT to
know? What Did You LEARN?) which will serve as a pre-assessment indicating
what they expect to learn.

Performance based checklist to make sure each step is completed successfully.

Review for class, students may do self-assessment along with review.

Reflecting on essential questions

Scoring Guides and Answer Keys

Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or

Authentic Performance Tasks

Read Explorations in Art, Still Life:
Differences in Styles. pp. 172-173

Teacher demonstrates how to begin
sketching the still life in a particular

Students decide what style they want
to use and begin to set up a still life.

Students draw and paint the still life in
their chosen style on white paper.

Showcase and display artwork

Pre-assessment of vocabulary

Sketch of landscape

Painted landscape

Teacher assessment of student work

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