Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Did the students understand the process of creating a hollow form using hand-
    building techniques?

  2. Did the students successfully glaze their face jug?

Students will fill out a KWL Chart (What do you KNOW? What Do You WANT to
know? What Did You LEARN?) which will serve as a pre-assessment indicating
what they expect to learn.

Performance based checklist to make sure each step is completed successfully.

Review for class, students may do self-assessment along with review.

Reflecting on essential questions

Scoring Guides and Answer Keys

Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks

Read Explorations in Art, Traditions:
Our Artistic Heritage, pp. 122-123.

Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave. by
Laban Carrick Hill

Demonstration of clay techniques

Demonstration of adding coils for

Showcase and display artwork


Pre-assessment of clay vocabulary

Clay face jug

Student self-assessment

Teacher assessment of student work

Research-Based Effective Teaching

21 st Century Learning Skills

Check all that apply to the unit:

X Identifying Similarities and


Summarizing and Note Taking

X Reinforcing Effort, Providing

Check all that apply to the unit:
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Leadership
X Curiosity and Imagination
X Innovation and Creativity
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