on media and process.
Using critical analysis helps us as artists to
generate responses to a variety of
Standardized Assessment Correlations
(State, Province, College, and Career)
Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Informal Progress
Monitoring Checks
Question and Answer – students on
vocabulary used to describe art
Students will describe their detailed
approach in sequential order in relation to
their art project.
Classroom monitoring
Post Assessment
Students will participate in a class critique of a famous work of art.
Performance based (Teacher documents students who did or did not understand the
critique process.)
Scoring Guides and Answer Keys
Notations from individual monitoring.
Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks
Read Explorations in Art, Art Criticism, p.
Follow the line of questioning offered on
page 61
Oral or written responses to the four steps
in art criticism process