Science - USA (2022-01-07)

(Antfer) #1

22 7 JANUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6576 SCIENCE




Using correlates to accelerate vaccinology

ByPeter J. M. Openshaw


here have been many reports of large-
scale vaccine studies showing that
various severe acute respiratory syn-
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
vaccines give almost complete protec-
tion against severe COVID-19 and in-
complete but dwindling protection against
infection of the nose and lungs. Given the
costs and difficulty of field studies involving
thousands of people, which are necessary to
show vaccine efficacy, the hunt for immune
correlates of protection (COPs; laboratory
measurements that predict the outcomes of
large-scale studies) has become intense. On
pa ge 43 of this issue, Gilbert et al. ( 1 ) re-
port the use of a technique called mediation
analysis to examine data from a trial of the
mRNA-1273 vaccine from Moderna to infer
that virus neutralizing antibody (VN-Ab)
accounts for ~60% of protection. They pro-
pose that VN-Abs might provide a reliable
COP, which could be used to support the ap-

proval of future COVID-19 vaccines, bypass-
ing the need for large trials.
Vaccines create resistance to infection by
creating a set of immunological barriers that
are deployed at different phases of patho-
gen entry and replication. These immune
responses control engagement of the virus
with target host cells in the nose and lungs,
suppress the propagation of infection within
the mucosa, modulate the inflammatory
response to viral invasion, and inhibit the
dissemination of the virus with consequent
extrapulmonary involvement in those with
severe disease (see the figure). Understanding
the immunology that underlies protection is
of great value to enable monitoring of vac-
cine duration and protective efficacy, as well
as in aiding the development of new or im-
proved vaccines that induce key elements of
the protective immune response. Any single
measure of immunity, however convenient,
is never going to reflect this multilayered
response. Therefore, can one measure suffi-
ciently reflect the full palette of immune re-
sponses and thus reliably predict protection?
The discovery of reliable COPs can be game-
changing in the production and licensure of

vaccines. For example, influenza vaccines are
updated twice a year according to the preva-
lent and projected circulating strains of influ-
enza virus, based on the ability of an updated
vaccine to induce an antibody response in a
small group of volunteers, bypassing the need
for large, slow, and expensive field trials. The
use of such a correlate depends on a clear
definition of the type of protection that is re-
quired and a solid relationship between the
measure and the desired outcome.
In assessing the effects of vaccines de-
signed to prevent COVID-19, VN-Abs, as
described by Gilbert et al., are a logical and
measurable target. VN-Abs coat virus parti-
cles, thereby preventing virus entry into cells.
However, protection induced by two doses
of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine may
not last, declining to nonprotective levels in
some vaccinees after 5 or 6 months ( 2 ). B y
focusing on an early serological COP, the op-
portunity may be missed to develop vaccines
that mediate broad and durable protection.
T cell responses may be important in sup-
porting VN-Ab–mediated protection and
helping to maintain long-term protection,
but each component of immune memory

National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London,
London, UK. Email: [email protected]


C orrelates and surrogates of desired outcomes are valuable but have limitations

01 234 56 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Viral phase

Virus entry
of mucosal
Viral replication

Viral clearance

Day 22+

(IgA, etc.)
Innate defenses

Macrophage activation

T cells, ADCC


Neutrophil activation

Systemic IgG, resident innate cells

Cytokines and

ADCC, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; CXCL, C-X-C chemokine ligand; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; Ig, immunoglobulin;
IL, interleukin; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VN-Abs, virus-neutralizing antibodies.

Persistence of inammation
and organ damage (sometimes)

Inflammatory phase


Resolution and convalescence

Sequential events during SARS-CoV-2 infection
The immunopathogenesis of COVID-19 can be depicted as an early viral phase followed by an inflammatory phase, which may be restricted or spread outside the
respiratory tract. Immune control occurs at various stages (teal arrows), whereas inflammation is important in disease pathogenesis (red arrows). Local and systemic
immunoglobulins operate at multiple levels, direct and indirect; VN-Abs are detectable from approximately day 10 for at least 3 months.
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