PC Gamer - UK (2022-02)

(Maropa) #1


ou emerge from the iron shack into a
luminous dawn, a blue hour vision of
crushed darks and saturated colours to
the susurrating of strings, pregnant
with tension. Before you, a stretch of
scrubland that peters out into the gleaming desert at
the reddening horizon. But in front of that is a car.

It’s a sports car of sorts, but you know this was born in a
second-string factory in the ’80s, its sharper corners now
unfashionable, its metaphorical corners cut. Racing stripes
are lost in a veneer of rust and decay. Yet you know that
this car was someone’s pride and joy, the result of many
nightshifts and dreary days. Now it’s a potent symbol of
the UAC’s deterioration. Misplaced money, exploitative
imports, shattered dreams... Then a dust cloud in the
distance signals that this moment of reverie is over,
and you have to shoot someone in the face.
This moment has stayed with me for more than
13 years. It was one of the most vivid places I had ever
experienced and sits with other distinct, sacred memories
both real and virtual, from approaching Rapture, to the
wonders of the Maasai Mara itself.
I loved Far Cry 2. There was atmosphere and
cinematography that Vittorio Storaro would have been
proud of, and a soundtrack that featured Baaba Maal.
There was a lightness of touch that demonstrated that
developers trusted the player to fill the blanks, if they
provided an immersive enough experience. Most of all,
I had dreamed of an FPS Elite, a truly open world I could
live in, and approach as I saw fit, with as few breaks in the
mise-en-scene as possible. I wasn’t disappointed.
I loved the actual map and GPS you hold up in
real-time, the healing animations, being revived then
carried to safety by acquaintances and the surrounding
desert providing the softest of invisible walls. All these
worked to sustain immersion, even if the game’s desire for
verisimilitude bore contrarian fruit. The prevalent opinion
was that much of it sucked.
Most were irritated by the recurrent bouts of malaria,
but I thought this was genius. Likewise both sides in this
war, equally mired in murder and corruption, want to kill
you, regardless of what you do for them. This means that
you’re being shot at, by everyone, all the time.

“I can’t drive anywhere without being chased,” was the
common complaint amongst folk.
To which my answer was, “You drove places?” If you
weren’t hiking into the mountains to watch the sun set
over the savannah between missions, you were playing
the game wrong. I suppose this was where gamers began
to diverge, now that the worlds were open and real
enough, between those who were all about the ’splodes
and mayhem, and those for whom walking simulators
would later be designed. The latter would populate the
hills and forests of Day Z and Rust, harried by the former,
before leaving to fall in love with Delilah in Firewatch.

I’ve had a hankering to return to the UAC, and it’s the
hiking, the sunsets, and the zebras that I’m after. A
holiday. I’m not interested in the journey to the heart of
darkness or the nihilism, I’m not even after the Jackal as
such. He’s just an optional day excursion.
So, no unnecessary deaths. No guns. No moral
relativism. Just a good time.
I get the taxi from the airport, which is how all
vacations start. I see the locals flee, surrendering the

battlefield to the thieving westerners. It’s okay, I’m going
to leave all this behind and ‘see the real UAC’ like some
entitled backpacker.
I don’t remember the intro tutorial being quite so
linear though. Malaria dominates the opening scenes.
I pass out and wake to meet my target, the Jackal, who
quotes Nietzsche like an alt-right teen. I escape a firefight
in the town without spilling blood, before losing
consciousness again, to be rescued by one of the many
militia parasites. He sends me on my first murder, but I’m
on holiday so I get in the waiting coupé and try to drive
away. I hit an in-universe invisible wall – another severe
dose that sends me right back to where I started. I’m not
going to get any sight-seeing done
until I get some medicine.
Thus, I’m stuck doing awkward
stealth in a warren of narrow valleys
and gloomy ravines, under overcast
skies. I’m noisy without any of the
buffs and get swiftly made. I can’t
explode a red barrel without
unloading a full clip into it. I’ll need a
more powerful pistol at the very least.
I have a shopping list already, which
will require diamonds, so I have
busywork to do. Between pretending
my car is an ‘environmental hazard’,
and my machete, I jump the hoops
and get a lead on some meds.
I notice the GPS is now clear...
So once I’ve got my chloroquine,
or whatever, the away-break can
begin. I wanted those savannahs,
those zebras, those deserts,
those skies. Now I can get them.



“We become what
we hate.”

  1. Avoid fights.
    Only self-defence.

  2. No guns.
    Only takedowns and
    environmental kills to
    progress story.

  3. Take holiday snaps
    and have myself a
    lovely time.

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