PC Gamer - UK (2022-02)

(Maropa) #1
The premise is simple: you’re tasked
with the construction and
management of a series of dinosaur
theme parks fashioned after those of
the titular film franchise. The
campaign picks up
directly after the events
of the latest movie,
with humanity
struggling to adapt to
life among an
abundance of (spoiler
alert) recently escaped
dinosaurs. While the
entire story can be
finished in under two hours, which
leaves little room for any real plot
development, fans will likely
appreciate the abundance of voice
work from Jeff Goldblum – who
reprises his role as Dr Ian Malcolm.
Several other cast members also
return, though their presence only
highlights the absence of Chris Pratt.
A traditional tutorial is also
conspicuously missing and, while
things never become too confusing,
the inability to recap basic mechanics
makes for an uncomfortable
transition between the linear
campaign and the other modes.
Although Sandbox and Challenge are
both self explanatory, the Chaos
Theory mode, which presents ‘what
if’ scenarios based on each of the five
films, is the star of the show. It’s
gloriously nostalgic, and each mission
is instantly recognisable thanks to the
care that has been taken to preserve
the unique aesthetics of the park’s
distinct eras. Changes aren’t just
visual either, with gameplay
mechanics like aquatic enclosures
setting the more modern settings
apart from their predecessors. For
players who just want to experiment

outside of these constraints, it’s worth
noting that sandbox mode can bypass
these building restrictions entirely.
Although the campaign focuses
solely on creating dinosaur
enclosures, the other
modes introduce
humans into the
equation. While
dinosaurs are easily
satisfied through the
placement of a couple
objects or quick change
in terrain type, park
guests have two sets of
needs to fulfil: basic requirements,
like access to food and drink, and
secondary needs divided into one of
four types. Luxury type guests, for

example, crave higher cost attractions
like spas or hotels. I was disappointed
to discover that these categories are
almost entirely redundant in practice
however, with the haphazard
placement of a few amenities always
proving enough to keep my visitors
happy. Individual guest needs could
be an interesting inclusion, but it’s
bizarre that you can still run a
profitable park while ignoring them.

There are also various small
annoyances, like the inconsistent
collision detection that sometimes
makes placing objects an utter
misery, but I always found that the
allure of the dinosaurs themselves
proved more than enough to hold my
interest. The 75 or so unique species
are wonderfully modelled, a fact
which you can appreciate by taking
manual control of one of your park’s
vehicles to see them up close. Where
the dinosaurs are at their absolute
best, however, is at the times where
things start to go wrong. The damage
modelling for walls and vehicles does
a great job at emphasising the
creatures’ destructive powers, and
the threat of random tropical storms
mean that a well-maintained park
could be mere moments away from
carnage. Throw the genetic traits
system into the mix, which can lead
to even more aggressive varieties of
dino, and the result is a game that
feels more in line with survival
horror than traditional park tycoon.
You know something is bound to
go wrong and you’re left on edge
waiting for it to happen. There’s
nothing else like it and, given the
simplicity of the simulation elements,
this unique dynamic is one of the
biggest reasons to recommend it.


Jurassic World Evolution
2 is not the best
theme-park simulator on
the market, but a touch
of chaos keeps it fun.



oo Tycoon was one of my favourite games growing up.
Although I wasn’t interested in caring for the animals,
blocking the exits with countless vending machines and
unleashing an army of tigers upon the guests never failed to
entertain. In the decades since, I’ve never quite managed to
recreate that same sense of anarchic fun, but watching a T-rex fling
scientists into the air in Jurassic World Evolution 2 comes pretty close.


JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 shines when things go wrong

By Dashiell Wood

A park could
be mere
away from

A look at my park’s star attraction


A management sim
based on the Jurassic
Park franchise
Nvidia GTX 970, Intel
I5-4460, 32GB Ram

Jurassic World Evolution 2


They might seem
cute from a
distance, but you
don’t want to be on
the receiving end of
those claws.

No feathers here – sorry
paleontologists! The dinos may not be
entirely accurate, but they look
straight out of the movies.

Velociraptors are thought
to have been able to reach
speeds of over 25mph.
Good to know when you’re
fleeing for your life.
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