Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
FURTHER READING Sigmar Bortenschlager and Klaus Oeggl, eds., Th e Iceman and His Natural Environment: Palaeobotanical Results (N ...
the Carthaginians used moneybags strapped to their wrists or on a cord around their necks. Most Carthaginians dressed modestly, ...
In West Africa several surviving terra-cotta fi gurines from Nok, on the Benue plateau of modern-day Nigeria, sur- vive. First d ...
shoulder bare. In the New Kingdom every color except black was used for clothing. Footwear was initially unusual in Egypt. Good ...
Mesopotamia produced so much wool that it became one of the region’s chief exports. Accordingly, wool was the preferred fabric f ...
indicated marital and social status. Free, married women wore veils, while slaves and prostitutes did not. A concubine was allow ...
for ordinary people at work, but it was also used as an under- garment for occasions outside of work. Perhaps the earliest garme ...
a belt at the waist. To sew, people used needles made of iron, bronze, or bone and thread of wool or linen. During the late Iron ...
Caryatids from the Porch of the Maidens at Erechtheion, a temple on the north side of the Acropolis at Athens; the maidens are d ...
that was folded again, placed around the body, pinned at the shoulders, and oft en worn with a girdle. Th e himation, made of a ...
Otherwise, Roman women’s clothing did not have the same varieties and distinctions as those used to mark the status of men. A hi ...
headdress. Other fi ndings of the Olmec period are fi gures wearing varying elements of dress for an ancient ball game that was ...
with a pattern or embroidered. Th e woven patterns and em- broidery were not simply ornamental but told important facts about th ...
around the Mediterranean Sea had access to precious gem- stones, ivory, exotic hardwoods, new types of minerals and stones, silk ...
of forms of baskets, and there is logic to this practice. Even in modern times people make baskets that are watertight and can b ...
the period depicting cartouches (oval or oblong decorations framing a ruler’s name), hieroglyphs, and human fi gures. Bowls and ...
bags appear to have been common in the Old and New King- doms. Matting and basketry were used throughout the Dy- nastic Period i ...
cooling glass was then wrapped with extra glass fi bers. Th e glass itself was made by heating silica-bearing sand and soda ash, ...
devoted to a single craft , sometimes taking up an entire area of a town or city. By the 200s b.c.e. craft speople were settling ...
Little is known of the craft s of the Asian islands and Oceania prior to 500 c.e., when Japanese metalwork becomes common. Knowl ...
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