Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
the north they were overrun by the Germanic tribes, and in the south they were under pressure from the expand- ing Roman Empire, ...
Hermes, usually placed at house gates or as a marker on roads. An impressive fi nding is the wooden xoanon, a simple statue, fro ...
as well as a mason’s square that was usually metal but could be wooden, for making corners square. Th e stones would go to homeb ...
duction in the Archaic Period (7000–1800 b.c.e.). At Guila Naquitz archaeologists found bone awls and needles, copper bells, woo ...
making; occupations; religion and cosmology; sacred sites; ships and shipbuilding; slaves and slavery; stor- age and preservatio ...
Ancient African societies were made up of the living, the ancestors or gods, and the generation unborn. Th e living dei- fi ed a ...
they considered tomb robbery one of the most heinous crimes. Tomb robbers became so rampant and bold that they even began robbin ...
to death for making a false declaration or for being in an il- legitimate business. THE MIDDLE EAST BY DAVID PETECHUK Th e world ...
Th roughout the Middle East, an ordeal was oft en as- signed to prove guilt or innocence. For example, a popular test from the t ...
members, called the village panchayat, was in charge of deal- ing with criminals. Th e Laws of Manu had a lasting infl uence on ...
criminal. Th e ordeal was based on the religious belief that God would not allow an innocent person to be convicted nor allow a ...
of statues and monuments erected at Olympia and Delphi in honor of major Greek fi gures, such as political and military leaders ...
Th e Twelve Tables prescribed the death sentence for a va- riety of crimes. A debtor unable to repay aft er 60 days could be kil ...
committed suicide to avoid a public trial and a sentence was believed to be confessing his guilt, and his property was im- media ...
and crimes of her husband shall she bear as if she too committed them. Likewise if she be dwelling with her husband, all crimes ...
FURTHER READING Ilias Arnaoutoglou, Ancient Greek Laws (London: Routledge, 1998). George B. N. Ayittey, Indigenous African Insti ...
Peter Bogucki, Editor in Chief ENCYCLOPEDIA of Ancient Wor ld Society and Culture in the Volume II (death and burial practices t ...
Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World Copyright © 2008 by Infobase Publishing All rights reserved. No part of ...
Contents Advisers and Contributors v List of Illustrations xiii List of Maps and Primary Source Documents xx Preface xxiii Intro ...
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