1266 Index
modeling (ceramics) 176–178
modes (music) 763, 770
Moeris, Lake 242
Mogollon 1095
Mohenjo Daro
cities 201, 202, 218
social collapse and aban-
donment 1004
social organization 1023
Mohists 934
ceramics and pottery 177
metallurgy 679, 683, 686
monarchies 530–531
monasteries 377
money and coinage 751–762
Africa 752–753
Americas 762
a r t 110, 113, 117–118
Asia and the Pacifi c 756–
758, 757f
cities 220
economy 346, 347, 355,
355 f, 358, 365, 370, 374
Egypt 753–754, 754f
employment and labor
426, 434
Europe 758–759
government organization
Greece 759–760
Middle East 754–756, 756f
migration and population
movements 710
natural disasters 781–782
Rome 760–762, 761f
trade and exchange 1103,
1105, 1106
climate and geography 249
exploration 440–441
music and musical instru-
ments 767
Mongoloid nomads 704
Mon-Khmer 615
monopoly 389
monotheism 835–836, 844
Mon people 523
agriculture 32
climate and geography
237, 240, 248, 250
monstra 860
Mont Beuvray 221
Monte Albán
architecture 85
art 120
astronomy 133
borders and frontiers 149
calendars and clocks 173
cities 232
empires and dynasties 419,
festivals 471
foreigners and barbarians
government organization
military 736
Monte Verde
migration and population
movements 721
settlement patterns 972
monuments xxviii, 311–313
Moon. See also lunar entries
astronomy 128, 130
festivals 466
Mooncake 466
morabaraba 1048
Morocco. See Mauretania
mortar 155
mortar and pestle 564, 570
mortuary feast 317
mortuary goods. See also fu-
neral off erings
death and burial practices
312 , 313
household goods 562
mortuary practices. See death
and burial practices
mosaics 116
migration and population
movements 699–700
religion and cosmology
mothers 188
mothers-in-law 498
Mound Builders 907
building techniques and
materials 162
death and burial practices
occupations 818
sacred sites 899–900
climate and geography
235, 236, 257, 261–262
sacred sites 903
mourner, professional 810
Mouseion. See Royal Library
of Alexandria
Mšecke Žehrovice 220
mud bricks
building techniques and
materials 152
household goods 561, 562,
Muesarete 501
Mul.Apin tablets 167
agriculture 38
t ra nspor tat ion 1114
numbers and counting
science 929–930
mummies/mummifi cation
death and burial practices
311, 313, 321
health and disease 547
inventions 596
migration and population
movements 704
science 926, 926f, 927
mummy bundles 323
Mumun Period 477
mundus 226
Munson, Patrick 140
art 120–121
literature 666
murex-dyed fabric 1074, 1078
murus gallicus 219, 220
climate and geography 259
literature 657f
mushkenum 1020–1021
music and musical instru-
ments 762–774. See also
Africa 763–764
Americas 772–774, 773f
Asia and the Pacifi c 766–
768, 767f
death and burial practices
drama and theater 332, 334
education 383
Egypt 764–765
Europe 768–769
festivals 468
Greece 769–770, 770f
household goods 565
Middle East 765–766, 766f
Rome 770–772
sports and recreation 1053
Muslims 311
mutilation 298, 299
Mwene Matapa civilization
mww-da ncers 313, 314
Mycenaean Age
agriculture 37
architecture 74
art 107–108, 110
building techniques and
materials 158
ceramics and pottery 183
cities 222
climate and geography 257
empires and dynasties 410
exploration 441
gender structures and roles
500, 501
inventions 601
migration and population
movements 711
military 732
mining, quarrying, and
salt making 748
religion and cosmology
social collapse and aban-
donment 1006
trade and exchange 1103
war and conquest 1146
Mycenaean vase 1168f
Mysteries (festival) 468
astronomy 130
cities 211
death and burial practices
315, 320
drama and theater 329–
employment and labor 431
family 453
foreigners and barbarians
gender structures and roles
495–496, 499
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 578
literature 641
migration and population
movements 711
natural disasters 780
religion and cosmology
832, 841, 843, 844, 856,
resistance and dissent 869
scandals and corruption
Nabataeans 701
Nabonidus (king of Babylon)
architecture 62
empires and dynasties
resistance and dissent 873
scandals and corruption
Nabta Basin 124
Nabta Playa
religion and cosmology
social organization 1012
Naga snakes 332
Nahua people 946
nails 361
nålebinding 600
Namibia 89
Namoratunga pillars
architecture 56
astronomy 124
calendars and clocks 164
Nam Viet. See Vietnam
Nannar 213
cities 204
war and conquest 1130
Naqâda Period 1087
Naqâda I Period 392
Naqâda II Period 392
Naqâda III Period 871
Nara Period 767
Narmer (king of Egypt) 392
Narmer Pallet 1126
narrative 646–647
Nasca culture vessel 1041f
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