Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1
1274 Index

rainy seasons 237
ram (weapon) 978
Ramagupta (king of India)
Ramayana epic
drama and theater 332–
333, 332f
festivals 466
literature 650, 651
Ramesside Period 585
rammed earth technique 215
ramparts. See also fortress
settlements; murus gallicus
borders and frontiers 148
cities 219
ramps 928
Ramses I (king of Egypt) 872
Ramses II (king of Egypt)
architecture 60
art 96
borders and frontiers 143
building techniques and
materials 153
climate and geography
empires and dynasties
394, 395f
gender structures and roles
health and disease 547,
migration and population
movements 697, 700
military 727
natural disasters 777
resistance and dissent 872
seafaring and navigation
social organization 1014
war and conquest 1127f
writing 1185f
Ramses III (king of Egypt)
cities 208
economy 348
employment and labor
gender structures and
roles 495
migration and population
movements 700
military 727
resistance and dissent 872
scandals and corruption
seafaring and navigation
settlement patterns 964
ships and shipbuilding 978
war and conquest 1129
Ramses IV (king of Egypt)
mining, quarrying, and
salt making 742
resistance and dissent 872
Ramses V (king of Egypt) 548
Ramses IX (king of Egypt)

Ramses XI (king of Egypt)
empires and dynasties 395
resistance and dissent 872
social collapse and aban-
donment 1001
rape 731–732
rasas 332
rations 427
rats 819
rattles 773
razors 562
reaping machine 43
rebates 54
reciprocal exchange 1098,
reciprocal tables 930
reciprocity 350
recreation. See sports and
Recuay culture 149
red fi gure period (Greece)
110, 111
redistribution of goods 1098,
red ocher 312, 316
Red Palace 82
Red River 250
Red Sea 953
building techniques and
materials 150, 151, 154
music and musical instru-
ments 773
reed mats 563
reed workers 811
Regal Period (Rome) 367
economy 369
t ra nspor tat ion 1111
relief carvings/sculpture
art 91, 95–96, 103, 106,
114, 115, 120, 121
settlement patterns 967f
religion and cosmology
Africa 832–836, 834f
and agriculture 40
Americas 861–866, 863f
Asia and the Pacifi c 844–
849, 846f, 868
astronomy 123
borders and frontiers 146,
children 197
cities 213
clothing and footwear 282
drama and theater 327–
330, 334, 335
economy 344–345
education 377, 380, 381
Egypt 836–840, 839m, 866
Europe 849–853, 851f
festivals 462, 463
foreigners and barbarians
Greece 853–857, 854f

health and disease 551
illumination 583–584,
588, 591–592
literature 639, 642–643,
Middle East 840–844, 867
music and musical instru-
ments 764
resistance and dissent 878
Rome 858–861
sacred sites 902, 907
science 921, 932, 946, 947
social organization 1042
war and conquest 1155
writing 1187
religious persecution 717–718
remote sensing technology 36
“Report of Wenamun” 698
Republic (Plato)
craft s 292
literature 672–673
textiles and needlework
republics 508–509, 531–532
research, scientifi c 598
reservoirs 373
resettlement 707, 710, 714
resident aliens 432
resistance and dissent 869–
Africa 870–871
Americas 881–882
Asia and the Pacifi c
Egypt 871–872
Europe 876–877
Greece 877–879, 878f
Middle East 872–873
Rome 879–881, 880m, 881 f
retirement bonuses 370
retribution 302
retribution, law of 299, 300
retrograde motion 131
rex sacrorum 859
rhetoric 385
rhetors 385
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus
numbers and counting
799 f
science 927
Rhône valley 219
ribwort plantain (Plantago
lanceolata) 256
agriculture 19, 29–32
food and diet 476, 481
Rift Va l le y
death and burial practices
natural disasters 776
Rig Veda
death and burial practices
health and disease 549
religion and cosmology

rims, wheel 1114
rings 273
cities 216
death and burial practices
313, 314, 316, 319–320
drama and theater 327,
328, 333–334, 338, 339
education 383, 385–386
health and disease 546
nomadic and pastoral soci-
eties 795
religion and cosmology
war and conquest 1155
ritual sites xxvi, 211
Rituals of Zhou 217
rivers 1111, 1112 , 1114 –1115
roads and bridges 882–893.
See also streets
Africa 883–884
Americas 891–892
Asia and the Pacifi c
Egypt 884–885
Europe 888–889, 888f
Greece 889–890
inventions 600, 602
Middle East 885–886
migration and population
movements 716–717
Rome 890–891, 891f
t ra nspor tat ion 1115, 1117,
1119, 1120
war and conquest 1151
rock paintings
art 87–89, 100, 102, 108
sacred sites 898
Rocky Mountains 265
rodents 1066
rod numerals 801–802
Roman alphabet 1190–1191
Roman army 554
“Roman Army in the First
Century c.e., Th e” (Jose-
phus) 739–740
Roman calendar 132
Romance languages 718
Roman Civil War 880m
Roman Empire
agriculture 36
borders and frontiers 139,
14 0
cities 229–230
drama and theater 337–
economy 359, 361
migration and population
movements 715–716, 718
religion and cosmology
roads and bridges 884
social organization 1037–
Roman games (ludi Romani)

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