Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1277

sedentarization 572
sedentary communities 15–16
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 571
nomadic and pastoral soci-
eties 786
sedentary societies 1012
sediment cores 235
seed crops 47, 48
seers 852
seine net 574
seismography 934
Seleucid Dynasty
art 100
borders and frontiers 143
empires and dynasties 401
migration and population
movements 714
Semitic languages 1186–1187
Semna dispatches 141f
Semonides 506
Senate, Roman
cities 228
empires and dynasties 414
government organization
509, 531, 533
social organization 1037
Seneca 942, 942f
Senegal River valley 344
Senenmut 1015
children 189, 190f
sports and recreation
1049, 1051
Sennacherib (king of Assyria)
architecture 63–64
art 100
children 191
cities 213
roads and bridges 886
scandals and corruption
ships and shipbuilding
economy 348
money and coinage 753
serfs 988
serpentine (mineral) 743
Serpent Mound
education 386
sacred sites 907
Servius Tullius (king of Rome)
Sesebi 1088
Sesostris I (king of Egypt)
art 94
borders and frontiers 142
climate and geography
drama and theater 330
Sesostris II (king of Egypt)
cities 207
economy 350
settlement patterns 964
towns and villages 1088

Sesostris III (king of Egypt)
borders and frontiers 142
government organization
migration and population
movements 694
resistance and dissent 871
t ra nspor tat ion 1112
Seth (Egyptian god) 23
Seti I (king of Egypt)
architecture 60
employment and labor 427
government organization
laws and legal codes 623
military 727
roads and bridges 885
scandals and corruption
settlement patterns 961–974
Africa 962–964
Americas 972–973
Asia and the Pacifi c
Egypt 964–966
Europe 968–970
Greece 970–971
Middle East 966–967
Rome 971–972
social collapse and aban-
donment 1001–1002
settlements xxv
agriculture 24–27
cities 206, 221, 222
nomadic and pastoral soci-
eties 788–789
science 923
social collapse and aban-
donment 1005
Seven Hills of Rome 261
Severan Dynasty 416–417
sewers 1093
clothing and footwear 278,
textiles and needlework
sexagesimal system
numbers and counting
science 929
gender structures and roles
497–498, 502
slaves and slavery 991
social organization 1021
Shabaka (pharaoh of Egypt)
craft s 285
empires and dynasties 395
literature 642
war and conquest 1124,
agriculture 19, 21, 28, 44
building techniques and
materials 152

climate and geography
inventions 595
shaft furnace
inventions 600–601
metallurgy 686
science 923, 924
cities 233
drama and theater 328,
329, 333, 338
education 386
employment and labor
festivals 470–471
government organization
507, 522
health and disease 545,
laws and legal codes 630
religion and cosmology
862, 863
Shamshi-Adad (king of
Assyria) 397, 398
Shang Dynasty
art 102–104
astronomy 128
building techniques and
materials 156, 157
ceramics and pottery 180
cities 202, 216–217
craft s 289, 290
crime and punishment
death and burial practices
316, 317
drama and theater 332
economy 355–356
empires and dynasties
403, 404m
festivals 466
government organization
hunting, fi shing, and gath-
ering 577
inventions 598, 599
military 730
natural disasters 779
numbers and counting
occupations 812
religion and cosmology
sacred sites 901
social organization 1024–
trade and exchange 1100
t ra nspor tat ion 1115
war and conquest 1136
writing 1187
Shang Yang 626
Shan hai jing (Th e Classic of
Mountains and Seas) 746
shawls 272, 276, 277, 281. See
also chadar

Sheba, queen of. See Makeda
(queen of Axum)
agriculture 26, 34, 38
nomadic and pastoral
societies 788, 795
sheet metal 683, 687
money and coinage 755
weights and measures
1175, 1176
shellfi sh 576, 577
agriculture 22
climate and geography
Shendao 67
shenut 1063
shepherds 257
Shetrone, Henry 322
shi class 873–874
shield 1162, 1163, 1165, 1167,
1169–1170, 1170f
shield bearers 1132, 1134
Shih-chi (Historical Records)
Shi Huangdi (emperor of
China) 156
Shin-eqi-unninni 647
ships and shipbuilding
Africa 974–975
Americas 983–985
Asia and the Pacifi c
economy 362
Egypt 975–977
Europe 979–980
Greece 980–981
Middle East 977–978
occupations 815
Rome 982–983
seafaring and navigation
t ra nspor tat ion 1118, 1119
war and conquest 1129
“Shipwrecked Sailor”
literature 646
natural disasters 784
shipwrights 982
shirt, mandarin 277
Shixiangguo 216
shoes 276, 277, 279
shopkeepers 1099
short armor 1164
showers 563
architecture 73
cities 210
religion and cosmology
855, 865
sacred sites 902, 904
shrouds 316
Shudras 1024
Shulgi of Ur 192

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