Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1

numbers and counting 797

occupations 807

pandemics and epidemics 819

religion and cosmology 831

resistance and dissent 869

roads and bridges 882

Vo lu m e I V

sacred sites 897

scandals and corruption 908

science 921

seafaring and navigation 952

settlement patterns 961

ships and shipbuilding 974

slaves and slavery 985

social collapse and abandonment 998

social organization 1010
sports and recreation 1047
storage and preservation 1061
textiles and needlework 1073
towns and villages 1085
trade and exchange 1095
transportation 1110
war and conquest 1121
weaponry and armor 1161
weights and measures 1172
writing 1183

Glossary 1195
Chronology by Region 1220
General Bibliography 1231
Index 1235
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