Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1

Advisers and Contributors


Peter Bogucki
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Aff airs,
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Princeton University


Lisa R. Brody
Assistant Professor of Art
Queens College, City University of New York

R. Hunt Davis
Professor Emeritus of History and African Studies
University of Florida

Leo Depuydt
Associate Professor of Egyptology
Brown University

Paul R. Goldin
Associate Professor of East Asian Languages
and Civilizations
University of Pennsylvania

Eloise Quiñones Keber
Professor of Art History
Baruch College, City University of New York

Amelie Kuhrt
Professor of Ancient Near Eastern History
University College, London

Daniel Potts
Edwin Cuthbert Hall Professor of
Middle Eastern Archaeology
University of Sydney


Saheed Aderinto is a Ph.D. student at the Department of His-
tory, University of Texas at Austin. Some of his most recent
publications include “Prostitution and Urban Social Rela-
tions” and “Policing Urban Prostitution: Prostitutes, Crime,
Law and Reformers in Colonial Nigeria” in Nigeria’s Urban
History: Past and Present (2006) and “Discrimination in an
Urban Setting: Th e Experience of Ijebu Settlers in Colonial
Ibadan, 1893–1960” in Inter-group Relations in Nigeria dur-
ing the 19th & 20th Centuries (2006). His writings have also
appeared in IFRA Special Research Issue, Ethnic and Th ird
Worl d Re v ie w of Book s , African and Asian Studies Journal,
and Th e Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work (2006).

Olutayo Charles Adesina, Ph.D., teaches at the Department
of History, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is the author of
“Th e Underground Foreign Exchange Market in Ibadan du-
ring Devaluation” in Money Struggles and City Life: Devalua-
tion in Ibadan and Other Urban Centres in Southern Nigeria,
1986–96 (2002) and “Teaching History in Twentieth Century
Nigeria: Th e Challenges of Change” in History in Africa: A
Journal of Method, vol. 33 (2006).

David Otieno Akombo, Ph.D., teaches music education and
world music at Wabash College of Indiana. He is the author
of Music and Healing across Cultures (2006).

Francis Allard, Ph.D., teaches in the Department of Anthro-
pology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. His research in-
terests include the archaeology of early China and Mongolia.
He has contributed articles to Archaeology of Asia (2005) and
Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 Uni-
versity of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology (2006).

Miguel Arisa is fi nishing his doctoral studies in art history at
the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He teaches
at Technical Career Institutes and is a regular lecturer at the

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