xiv List of Illustrations
Bird bone engraved with animal heads from
the cave of Courbet, Penne-Tarn, France 106
Hermes with the Infant Dionysus, by
the Greek sculptor Praxiteles 111
Roman terra-cotta relief showing an
Egyptian scene set on the Nile 117
Inner coffi n of the priest Hornedjitef,
Th ebes, Egypt 125
Cuneiform tablet with observations of
Venus, Nineveh, northern Iraq 126
Chinese covered jar 128
Th e Semna dispatches, administrative
documents from an Egyptian outpost,
from Th ebes, Egypt 141
Babylonian boundary marker, Sippar,
southern Iraq 143
Dedication by Alexander the Great to
Athena Polias, from Priene, Asia Minor 146
Wattle framework being fi lled with red
mud, a construction technique used
in ancient times, from Zambia 151
Clay foundation peg from Bad-tibira,
southern Iraq 154
Dolphin fresco in the queen’s megaron
(reception hall) at Knossos, the capital
of Minoan Crete 159
Iron window grill, Roman Britain 160
View of the royal tombs at Meroë, ancient
city of northeastern Africa in present-
day Sudan 164
Fragment of a basalt water clock, from
Tell el-Yahudiya, Egypt 166
Kerma ware pottery beaker, from
Kerma, Sudan 175
Painted pottery group of cattle, from
el-Amra, Egypt 177
Ceramic bowl with abstract decoration,
from Tall-i-Bakun in modern-day Iran 178
Pottery jar with dragon handles, from China 180
Buccero ware water jug, from Chiusi,
Tuscany, Italy 181
Terra-cotta statuette of a lady in a swing,
from Agia Triada, Herakleion 182
Amphora from Pompeii, Italy 184
Feline-head ceramic bottle from Peru 185
Boys kept in seclusion in an initiation
camp in Angola, southern Africa 188
Game of Senet from Egypt 190
Terra-cotta fi gurine of a woman with a
child, Cyprus 191
Profi le of a Greek boy 195
Roman rag doll made of linen, rags,
and papyrus 196
Olmec fi gure of a baby (ceramic, cinnabar,
and red ochre), Mexico 197
Ancient Egyptian city of Sesebi 206
Panels with striding lions, Neo-
Babylonian, during the reign of
Nebuchadnezzar II 211
Jade ritual reaping knife, from Henan,
northern China 215
Roman silver coins depicting the
founding twins of the city of Rome,
Romulus and Remus 227
Pottery vessel of the storm god,
Teotihuacán, Mexico 232
Grass, sand, and volcanic formation in
the Sahara, southern Algeria 236
Th e Great Temple at Abu Simbel on the
banks of the Nile 243
Ax made from reindeer antler found at Earls
Barton, Northamptonshire, England 254
Petroglyph of a human fi gure wearing a
loincloth, from the Sahara Desert at
Tassili, Algeria, North Africa 273
Pair of child’s leather sandals from
Th ebes, Egypt 275
Two Assyrian court offi cials from the
reign of Sargon II 276
Caryatids from the Porch of the Maidens
at Erechtheion, a temple on the north
side of the Acropolis at Athens 280
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