Tapestry made of multicolored wool on linen
showing Artemis and Actaeon, Egypt 1076
Wool textile fragment from Persepolis,
Persia (modern-day Iran) 1078
Bone needles from the cave of Courbet,
Penne-Tarn, France 1081
Greek utensil used for unwinding balls of
wool, called Ariadne’s clew box 1081
Mantle border fragment made of cotton and
camelid hair, Peru 1084
Site of ancient walled town, Cameroon,
Central Africa 1087
Gold bracelet or diadem, from the
Phoenician trading center of Th arros,
Sardinia 1099
Steatite seals from the Indus Valley 1100
Iron Age luxury imports from Italy, Rome,
and the Near East, found at Hertfordshire,
England 1102
Th e Crawford Cup, Roman, found on the
border between Syria and Turkey 1105
Petroglyph of camel and horse, from the
Sahara Desert at Tassili, Algeria, North
Africa 1111
Achaemenid Persian gold model chariot
from the region of Takht-i Kuwad,
Tadjikistan 1114
Horse harness fi ttings from Iron Age Britain 1116
Chariot with horse and rider, from a
sarcophagus at Heraklion 1119
Frieze in the temple of the Egyptian
pharaoh Ramses II, showing a listing of
captured cities in Nubia 1127
Clay prism of King Sennacherib 1132
Stone fi gure of the war god Skanda, from
eastern India 1139
Bust of a Greek warrior known as Leonidas 1145
Bronze statuette of the Mars, Roman god of
war, Earith, Cambridgeshire, England 1151
Stone ball found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania 1162
Short sword of steel, bronze, and gold from
eastern Central Asia 1165
Spear thrower carved in the shape of a
mammoth, from the rock shelter of
Montastruc, Tarn-et-Garonne, France 1167
Vase from Mycenae portraying warriors in
battle gear 1168
Sixteenth-century shield depicting Roman
battle scene 1170
Bronze duck weight, found in the treasury
at Persepolis, Persia (modern-day Iran) 1175
Bronze steelyard with lead weights from
Roman Britain 1178
Red porphyry one talent weight, from
Knossos 1179
Roman cup or bowl depicting a man
carving the number 7 on a nilometer, a
device used to measure the water level
of the Nile’s annual fl ood 1181
Abu Simbel—hymn in praise of the
Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II 1185
Clay tablet with Babylonian inscription,
found in the treasury of Persepolis,
Persia (modern-day Iran) 1186
Pillar edict of the emperor Asoka from
Uttar Pradesh, India 1188
Painted pebbles from cave of Mas d’Azil,
Ariége, France 1188
Bilingual milestone marker 1190
Pottery inkwell from Roman Britain,
inscribed with its owner’s name,
Iucundus 1191
List of Illustrations xix
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