string. Interestingly, this musical weapon seems to have been
the only string instrument used in ancient America.
See also adornment; art; children; climate and geogra-
phy; clothing and footwear; crafts; death and buri-
al practices; drama and theater; education; empires
and dynasties; family; festivals; gender structures
and roles; inventions; language; literature; metal-
lurgy; military; occupations; religion and cosmology;
sacred sites; slaves and slavery; social organization;
sports and recreation.
Robert D. Anderson, “Music and Dance in Pharaonic Egypt.” In
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. Jack M. Sasson (New
Yo r k : S c r i b n e r, 19 9 5).
John Miller Chernoff , African Rhythm and African Sensibility: Aes-
thetics and Social Action in African Musical Idioms (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1979).
Giovanni Comotti, Music in Greek and Roman Culture, trans. Ro-
saria V. Munson (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Emory Dean Keoke and Kay Marie Porterfi eld, American Indian
Contributions to the World: 15,000 Years of Inventions and In-
novations (New York: Checkmark, 2003).
Gerhard Kubik, Th eory of African Music (Wilhelmshaven, Ger-
many: Florian Noetzel Press, 1994).
John G. Landels, Music in Ancient Greece and Rome (London: Rout-
ledge, 1999).
Andy Lowings, “Lyre of Ur.” Available online. URL: http://www. Downloaded on March 2, 2007.
Martha Maas and Jane McIntosh Snyder, Stringed Instruments of
Ancient Greece (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989).
Lise Manniche, Music and Musicians in Ancient Egypt (London:
British Museum Press, 1991).
J. H. Kwabana Nketia, Drumming in Akan Communities of Ghana
(Edinburgh, U.K.: Th omas Nelson and Sons, 1963).
Simon O’Dwyer, Prehistoric Music of Ireland (Stroud, U.K.: Tem-
pus, 2004).
Dale A. Olsen, Music of El Dorado: Th e Ethnomusicology of Ancient
South American Cultures (Gainesville: University Press of
Florida, 2002).
Prehistoric Music Ireland. URL:
Downloaded on April 5, 2007.
Curt Sachs, Th e History of Musical Instruments, rpt. ed. (New York:
W. W. Nor t on , 19 6 8).
Jenny F. So, Music in the Age of Confucius (Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Institution, 2000).
Emily Teeter, “Female Musicians in Pharaonic Egypt.” In Redis-
covering the Muses: Women’s Musical Traditions, ed. Kim-
berly Marshall (Boston: Northeastern University Press,
M. L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press,
Akin P. Harper, “Dance In Nigeria,” Ethnomusicology 9, no. 1
(1969): 28 0 –295.
774 music and musical instruments: further reading