xvi List of Illustrations
“Empress” pepper pot, from the Hoxne
hoard in Suff olk, Roman Britain 478
Terra-cotta utensil with six receptacles,
thought to be an egg dish or cup holder 480
Detail of an Ethiopian tribute bearer, from
a relief in stairway of the palace at
Persepolis, Persia (modern-day Iran) 486
Greek terra-cotta statuettes: woman holding
pancake and woman kneading dough 500
Spout and bridge vessel in the shape of
a woman, holding what is thought to be
a spindle wrapped in cloth, from the
Nasca culture of Peru 503
Olmec jade perforator, from Mexico 536
Coffi n with skeleton of a child, from Speos
Artemidos, Egypt 547
Terra-cotta votive womb, Italy 551
Hellenistic ivory fi gure of a hunchback
thought to show signs of Pott’s disease 553
Altar from Roman Britain dedicated to
the goddess Fortuna, the healing
god Aesculapius, and Salus, goddess
of health 554
Paleolithic stone chopping tools from
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania 562
A folding wooden headrest, from
Akhmin, Egypt 563
Stone bowl and pitcher from Greece 567
Roman jug, two-handled cup (the
handles now missing), strainer, ladle,
and stirrer, from Arcisate, near Como,
northern Italy 569
Archery case painted with a hunting scene,
from Th ebes, Egypt 574
Impressions of cylinder seals on clay,
depicting hunting scenes and found in
the treasury of the palace at Persepolis 575
Harpoon tips made of antler from the cave
of Courbet, Penne-Tarn, France 578
Fragments of a fresco from Tiryns, Greece,
showing hunter and dog 579
Stone weight carved in the form of the head
of an aquatic bird and thought to have
been used in fi shing, from Orange
County, Florida 582
A bronze lamp found at the palace of
Persepolis, Persia 586
Broken limestone lamp from the cave of
Courbet, Penne-Tarn, France 589
Roman lamp showing a chariot race 591
Paleolithic stone hand ax from Olduvai
Gorge, Tanzania 593
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of
Nakht with agricultural scenes, from
Th ebes, Egypt 595
An administrative text in cuneiform
(the world’s earliest form of writing),
recording food supplies, probably from
southern Iraq 597
Pair of fragments of silk, from Cave 17,
Mogao, near Dunhuang, China 599
Roman aqueduct in Tunis 602
Sandstone off ering table with Meroitic
cursive inscription around the edges,
from Faras, Sudan 610
Clay tablet with Elamite inscription found
in the treasury of the palace at
Persepolis, Persia (modern-day Iran) 613
Jade disc inscribed with a poem by the
Qianlong emperor, from China 614
Linear A tablets, from Agia Triada,
Heraklion 617
Th e Rosetta Stone, from Fort St. Julien,
el-Rashid (Rosetta), Egypt 623
Jade cicada, China 626
Page from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer,
Th ebes, Egypt 644
Sculpted panel depicting Vishnu
Trivikrama, eastern India 650
Frieze of three Greek muses 657
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