Plutarch: “Th e Training of Children,”
ca. 110 c.e. 200
Strabo: Geography, excerpt on Africa,
ca. 22 c.e. 269
Pliny: Natural History, excerpt on India,
ca. 77 c.e. 270
Pausanius: Description of Greece,
Book I: Attica, second century c.e. 271
Th e Code of the Assura, excerpt,
ca. 1075 b.c.e. 305
Th e Arthashastra, excerpt, ca. 250 b.c.e. 306
Th e Twelve Tables, excerpt, ca. 450 b.c.e. 307
Herodotus: “Mummifi cation,” from
Th e Histories, fi ft h century b.c.e. 323
Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the
Lower World, from the Epic of
Gilgamesh, ca. seventh century b.c.e. 324
A Vedic Funerary Hymn, from the
Rig-Veda, ca. 1700–1100 b.c.e. 325
Homer: Th e Odyssey, excerpt,
ca. 800–600 b.c.e. 326
Th e Selection of Aspalta as King of Kush,
ca. 600 b.c.e. 422
Th e Legend of Sargon of Akkad,
ca. 2300 b.c.e. 423
Herodotus: “On the Kings of Sparta,” from
Th e History of the Persian Wars,
ca. 430 b.c.e. 424
A Collection of Contracts from
Mesopotamia, ca. 2300–428 b.c.e. 458
Herodotus: Th e History of the Persian Wars,
excerpt, ca. 430 b.c.e. 459
Kautilya: Th e Arthashastra, excerpt,
ca. 250 b.c.e. 460
Tacitus: Germania, excerpt, ca. 98 c.e. 461
Herodotus: Th e History of the Persian Wars,
excerpt, ca. 430 b.c.e. 504
Ban Zhao: Lessons for a Woman, excerpt,
ca. 80 c.e. 505
Semonides of Amorgos: “Th e Types of
Women,” ca. 550 b.c.e. 506
Xenophon: “Th e Polity of the Spartans,”
ca. 375 b.c.e. 539
Plutarch: Th e Life of Th eseus, excerpt,
ca. 110 c.e. 540
Polybius: “Rome at the End of the Punic Wars,”
from Th e Histories, ca. 200–aft er 118 b.c.e. 541
Tabu-utul-Bêl: “Ludlul Bêl Nimeqi,”
ca.1700 b.c.e. 556
Th e Yin Fu Ching, or Clue to the Unseen,
excerpt, ca. 1200 b.c.e. 557
Galen: Medicine, excerpt, ca. mid-second
century c.e. 559
Hippocrates: Aphorisms, excerpt,
ca. fi ft h century b.c.e. 559
Th e Precepts of the Vizier Ptah-Hotep,
ca. 2350 b.c.e. 631
Th e Code of Hammurabi, ca. 1780 b.c.e. 633
Th e Law Code of Gortyn (Crete),
ca. 450 b.c.e. 635
Th e Twelve Tables, excerpt, ca. 450 b.c.e. 636
Saint Augustine: Th e City of God, excerpt,
410–426 c.e. 667
“Th e Tale of Th e Eloquent Peasant,”
ca. 1800 b.c.e. 668
Enûma Elish: Th e Epic of Creation, excerpt,
eighth century b.c.e. 669
Bhagavad Gita (from the Mahabharata),
excerpt, ca. 400 b.c.e. 671
Plato: “Th e Allegory of the Cave,” from the
Republic, ca. 360 b.c.e. 672
Horace: “Th e Secular Hymn,” ca. 17 b.c.e.,
and Virgil: Aeneid, excerpt, 30–19 b.c.e. 673
Virgil: Exerpt from the Aeneid 674
Tacitus: Germania, excerpt, 98 c.e. 723
Herodotus: Excerpt on the founding of
Cyrene from Th e Histories, fi ft h
century b.c.e. 723
List of Maps and Primary Source Documents xxi
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