Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1
Sun Tzu: Th e Art of War, excerpt, sixth
century b.c.e. 737
Xenophon: “Th e Spartan War Machine,”
ca. 375 b.c.e. 738
Josephus: “Th e Roman Army in the First
Century c.e.,” fi rst century c.e. 739
“Th e Shipwrecked Sailor,” ca. 2200 b.c.e. 784
Th e Bible, excerpt from Exodus, fi ft h to
seventh centuries b.c.e. 785
Th e Egyptian Legend of the Creation,
excerpt, ca. 311 b.c.e. 866
Enûma Elish: Th e Epic of Creation, excerpt,
eighth century b.c.e. 867
Th e Rig-Veda, excerpt, ca. 1700–1100 b.c.e. 868


Aeschines: “On the Embassy,” excerpt,
343 b.c.e. 919
Appian: “Th e Civil Wars—On the Gracchi,”
from Roman History, before 162 c.e. 920
Herodotus, “Mummifi cation,” from Th e
Histories, fi ft h century b.c.e. 950
Archimedes: Letter to Dositheus,
ca. 220 b.c.e. 950
Th e Code of the Nesilim, excerpt,
1650–1500 b.c.e. 995
Kautilya: Th e Arthashastra, excerpt,
ca. 250 b.c.e. 996
Aristotle: “On Slavery,” from the Politics,
ca. 330 b.c.e. 997

Herodotus: Th e Histories, excerpt, fi ft h
century b.c.e. 1043
Arrian: Anabasis Alexandri (Campaigns of
Alexander), excerpt, second century c.e. 1045
Julius Caesar: “Th e Germans,” excerpt from
De bello Gallico (Th e Gallic Wars),
ca. 51 b.c.e. 1046
Pindar: Olympian Odes, ca. 470 b.c.e. 1058
Suetonius: Th e Divine Augustus, excerpt,
ca. 120 c.e. 1059
Th e Popol Vuh, excerpt, oral tradition,
unknown date 1060
Th e Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, excerpt,
fi rst to third centuries c.e. 1108
Petronius Arbiter: “Th e Banquet of
Trimalchio,” excerpt from the Satynicon,
fi rst century c.e. 1109
Herodotus: “Th e Carthaginian Attack on
Sicily,” excerpt from Th e Histories, fi ft h
century b.c.e. 1156
Pen-ta-ur: “Th e Victory of Ramses II
over the Khita,” inscription on the wall
of fi ve temples, one at Karnak,
ca. 1326 b.c.e. 1156
Excerpts from Accounts of the Campaign
of Sennacherib, ca. 701 b.c.e. 1158
Polybius: “Th e Roman Maniple vs. the
Macedonian Phalanx,” excerpt from
Th e Histories, ca. second century b.c.e. 1159

xxii List of Maps and Primary Source Documents

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