MI SU Design - SR_Climbing_2021_EN

(misudesign) #1

Despite the fact that a year 2020 was unusual and really specific, our athletes did some nice projects and achievements.
It is important to mention that they always followed the rules and regulations of the pandemic situation in their country
and did what they love the most – to climb as they used to be before the pandemic. Here are some of our athletes and
their best climbs during 2020. Also other our athletes as Koen Baekelandt, Daria Brylova, Adam Karpierz, Lucie Hrozová
and others climbed as much as they could and climbed nice routes.



First ascents in Brazil, Logan 9a (14d)
and Aquaman 8c+ (14c)
After staying isolated in his apartment in São Paulo for 43
days, Felipe rented at airbnb in a farm down south in Brasil
close to a great sector with a few projects! He took the
necessary precautions for the drive and stayed isolated in
the farm and only started climbing after a few days without
showing any symptoms. Climbing, surfing and other outdoor
sports were allowed in this state down south!
After couple of days he was able to do the first ascent of “
Logan” and “Aquaman”. Logan is a super powerful route
that starts with a v11 boulder right off the ground, followed
by a long v10 and then the crux a super reachy v11 ( may be
easier for taller people)! “Its always hard to grade a first as-
cent but I think it is either real hard 8c+ or 9a!” Later Felipe
graded this route 9a (14d) as a first Brazilian 9a.
“Aquaman” is the route with basically two v11s with no rest.
One is a beautiful compression style boulder in a really steep
prow and the second one is just really powerful on two
finger pockets. “This one really reminded me of Frankenjura!!
Grade should be either really hard 8c or 8c+!”

Check the video from those
2 first ascents:


8c + at age of 50: "I am the Benjamin Button of climbing"

‘Citro’ returns to his maximum grade by repeating the route
‘Hulk total extension’ in the cave of Ali Babá. Carlos Logroño
‘Citro’ is one of the most charismatic characters in sport
climbing in Spain. As he likes to say, "I did my first 8c in the
last century." By age, it would have corresponded to him to
send the 8c + before this millennium, with Patxi Arocena,
Carles Brascó or Alex Huber. Some would say that he
missed that opportunity. He, on the other hand, continued
doing what he liked the most with the passion of always and
the results have been coming.

Read more details and the secret
of his longevity in this Desnivel interview:
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