George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

upon the presence of citizens-- well educated, technology-oriented, mature, and
courageous people who are willing to think for themselves. Oligarchical forms function
best in the presence of a culturally pessimistic, hedonist, supersititious mass of passive
witnesses to the passing scene.

Thus, at the end of the 1960's, London financiers and their Wall Street counterparts made
available abundant foundation funding for such projects as the Triple Revolution, which
proposed the now- accomplished transition from a productive society to a post-industrial
society, and the 1968 founding of the Club of Rome with its absurd "Limits to growth"
hoax of a few years later, the international flagship for the Malthusian revival. What the
oligarchy had in mind was not just a minor adjustment of the Zeitgeist: the greening of
the western cultural paradigm made mandatory the quick erosion of the imperatives of
subduing and dominating nature contained in the first book of Genesis, the demolition of
the beliefs in education, science and progress which had animated the philosophy and
nation building of St. Augustine, Charlemagne, the Italian Renaissance, Leibnitz,
Franklin, and the American Revolution.

The implementation of this intent on the home front dictated the dismantling of a
constituency-based political structure that assumed that the purpose of government was to
manage economic development and equitably to distribute the fruits of material and
cultural progress. This had to be replaced by an authoritarian-totalitarian regime whose
main function was the imposition of austerity and sacrifices. Malthusianism at home also
generated problems abroad, to which the Kissinger NSC and the Kissinger State
Department were to prove themselves especially sensitive. Although the Malthusian
oligarchy sought to deny that industry and population growth represented real power,
they were at pains to slow demographic and industrial growth abroad, using various
hollow pretexts. Alexander King, along with Aurelio Peccei one of the founders of the
Club of Rome, once conceded that the real purpose of his institution was to block the
demographic expansion of the non-white peoples of the world. For Prescott Bush and
George Bush, the depopulation of the third world, the genocide of non-white populations,
was and is a life-long and consuming obsession.

By any definition a racist like Bush might offer, the white race, or more precisely the
Anglo-Saxon race, is a small and dwindling minority of humanity. Nevertheless, the
compulsive imperative of the London-New York financiers is their committment to
Anglo-Saxon domination of the planet. This means that in the view of the financiers, non-
whites and non-Anglo-Saxons must be prevented from multiplying inside the imperial
homeland and if possible decimated, so as to avoid challenges to Anglo-Saxon financier
rule. Outside US borders, the Anglo-American elite prescribes war, famine, and
pestilence to cut a bloody swath through the brown, black, red and yellow races so as to
reduce their military and economic potential. If possible, in the view of the oligarchs,
non-white populations in areas of great oil and other strategic raw materials wealth
should be wiped out completely so that these areas can be re-colonized by the Anglo-
Saxon master race, who will enjoy the use of the raw materials into the future. These are
the points at which we see George Bush in action during his Congressional years.

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