George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

US-world wide thermonuclear alert. In later years Kissinger would enrich himself
through speculative real estate purchases on the West bank of the Jordan, buying up land
and buildings that had been virtually confiscated from defenseless Palestinian Arabs.

Kissinger was also pro-Soviet in a sense that went far beyond his sponsorship of the
1970's detente, SALT I, and the ABM treaty with Moscow. Polish KGB agent Michael
Goleniewski is widely reported to have told the British government in 1972 that he had
seen KGB documents in Poland before his 1959 defection which established that
Kissinger was a Soviet asset. According to Goleniewski, Kissinger had been recruited by
the Soviets during his Army service in Germany after the end of World War II, when he
had worked as a humble chauffeur. Kissinger had allegedly been recruited to an
espionage cell called ODRA, where he received the code name of "BOR" or "COLONEL
BOR." Some versions of this story also specify that this cell had been largely composed
of homosexuals, and that homosexuality had been an important part of the way that
Kissinger had been picked up by the KGB. These reports were reportedly partly
supported by Golitsyn, another Soviet defector. The late James Jesus Angleton, the CIA
counter-intelligence director for twenty years up to 1973 was said to have been the US
official who was handed Goleniewski's report by the British. Angleton later talked a lot
about Kissinger being "objectively a Soviet agent," but that was a throw-away line by
that time. It has not been established that Angleton ever ordered an active investigation of
Kissinger or ever assigned his case a codename.

Kissinger's Chinese side was very much in evidence during 1971-73 and beyond; during
these years he was obsessed with anything remotely connected with China and sought to
monopolize decisions and contacts with the highest levels of the Chinese leadership. This
attitude was dictated most of all by the British mentality and geopolitical considerations
indicated above, but it is also unquestionable that Kissinger felt a strong personal affinity
for Chou En-Lai, Mao tse-tung, and their group of Chinese leaders, who had been
responsible for the genocide of 100,000,000 million of their own people after 1949.

Kissinger possessed other dimensions in addition to these, including close links to the
Meyer Lansky underworld. These will also loom large in George Bush's career.

For all of these Kissingerian enormities, Bush now became the principal spokesman. In
the process, he was to become a Kissinger clone.

The defining events in the first year of Bush's UN tenure reflected Kissinger's geoplitical
obsession with his China card. Remember that in his 1964 campaign, Bush had stated that
Red China must never be admitted to the UN and that if Peking ever obtained the Chinese
seat on the Security Council, the US must depart forthwith from the world body. This
statement came back to haunt him once or twice. His stock answer went like this: "that
was 1964, a long time ago. There's been an awful lot changed since...A person who is
unwilling to admit that changes have taken place is out of things these days. President
Nixon is not being naive in his China policy. He is recognizing the realities of today, not
the realities of seven years ago." One of the realities of 1971 was that the bankrupt British
had declared themselves to be financially unable to maintain their military presence in the

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